Chapter 8

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Chapter Eight:

Let's Get Down to Business

The next week passed by in a blur for Razaria, it was more of the same over and over. Sleep, wake up, go to a handful of classes, train, eat, rinse, repeat. It felt like she was in a never ending loop of repeating herself. The only thing that broke up the monotonous loop was when Candice would join them. That interruption wasn't very welcomed by the two other veterans of the Unit; Razaria herself got the creeps from her.

The days, while repetitive, only got harder. The only thing Razaria was grateful for in the expanse of time was that she wasn't being forced to go to the School from Hell like all the younger members. That didn't mean that she got that time to herself; oh no. They filled the times the younger Legacies were in school with extra bouts of Defense practice and Gift training. The latter had not been going very well.

"Seriously I can't," Razaria said as she looked down at her hands.

The trainer, Mrs. Lafayette, shook her head. She shifted, her jutted out hip almost touched the nearby wall. Razaria glared down at the small kindling they had on the pedestal in front of her. It wasn't like she wasn't trying to set the thing on fire. It was just that she couldn't.

"1-7-2," Mrs. Lafayette scolded. "You need to focus."

"I'm trying," the heterochromatic-eyed girl groaned. "It's not as easy as it looks."

"You set your house on fire. You burned your mother alive. Lighting some sticks should be easy work for you."

"I did that in my sleep, I had no control over it!" Razaria said frustratedly. "Every time I have used fire it's been because I was angry, or scared."

"A lot of Gifts are triggered by emotions," the older woman noted in a tone that let Razaria know that it wasn't anything new. "You have to learn to use the easy triggers first before you can use your Gifts at will."

"Easier said than done," the younger girl grumbled, pushing at the pile with a couple of fingers in a very feline-like manner.

Mrs. Lafayette apparently had enough waiting around. She turned towards the exit and walked out. Razaria blew out a breath of warm air; unfortunately for her it was nowhere near warm enough to help her achieve their goal. She waited for the matron to come back into the room but it felt like she'd been gone for a long time. Razaria rubbed at her exposed arms, feeling chilled. She let out another breath. This time she saw mist billowing out of her mouth. She furrowed her brows and stuck her hands under her folded arms.

She had a really, really bad feeling about the drop in temperature.

It stayed cold enough to keep her shivering. Razaria shifted back and forth, trying to keep her body temperature up as she huddled in on herself. As the minutes ticked on it only got colder in the room. Razaria pursed her lips as she went over to the door; she had tried to play by the rules but obviously something had malfunctioned. She wasn't up to becoming a human popsicle. Although at least that way she'd stay forever young and pretty - a somewhat morbid thought that made her smile regardless.

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