Chapter 15

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Chapter Fifteen:

Time to go

Ivy sat back as she finished folding up Dante's bandages. After a couple small healing sessions throughout the last two days, Dante was practically back to new. There was a thin, faint scar that stretched across his mid pectoral and biceps but from what he could remember he was lucky to get just that. He remembered being ripped down to the secondary layer of muscle - it could have been a lot worse. Dante moved his arms to check out the range of motion, finding that he was unencumbered.

"Thanks," Dante said congenially, as he stood up.

Ivy smiled, "No problem Donny!"

Razaria looked up from her card game with Justin and Mari (both of whom she was sure were cheating, she just couldn't figure out how) to watch as Dante walked across to go get a shirt. She wasn't sure how she'd never noticed it before but he had a lot more scars than she would have thought he'd have gotten. That was probably because the only times she'd really seen him shirtless were in bed - the first time she had been drunk as a skunk and the second time, he'd pretty much been covered up. She pulled her eyes away from him as he went to pull on a shirt and looked back down at her cards with a frown. No; he didn't want a relationship, so she shouldn't care about all his scars.

"And you lose again princess," Justin said as he laid out his cards.

"What the hell? How do you always win?" Razaria asked with frustration.

"Trade secrets," Justin said smiling. "We can always make this game even more fun and add a little wager to it."

"Wager?" Razaria asked.

"Loser has to take one piece of clothing off every round."

"And you just ruined it," Mari said as she made a finger gun.

She shot a line of static at Justin, watching with amusement as his hair fluffed up. Razaria laughed along with her. Justin fussed with his hair for a bit to get it to go back down. Not that he was entirely successful. Instead of the grin that had been spreading along his face there was something akin to a pout.

"Fine, spoil the fun because you know you'd lose."

"You have the least amount of clothes on. Our rate of winning is about the same. You'd lose," was the female's retort.

"My loss would be everyone's gain," and the grin was back.

"Don't make me shoot you again," Mari threatened playfully.

Razaria yawned and stretched her arms above her head. "Well I think I want to go to bed so you two can play strip tease alone if you like."

Mari looked at her with such an affronted look, as though she'd just been betrayed. Justin chuckled as he shuffled the cards, looking between both of the girls that had been playing.

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