Chapter 23

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Chapter Twenty-Three:

The Truth

In the chaos of Dante's actions, the others from Unit 13 let out horrified sounds. Some gasped, others screamed profanities, and some even flinched away from the sight of their teammate's bifurcated body. Without a torso, what remained of Silver fell to the ground, bleeding out with any remaining organ spilling into the road. The rest of him traveled down slowly like a blood fog as it descended around where he'd once been.

Ivy used the gun she'd acquired earlier, shooting both 1-2-3 and the shapeshifter who was taking her form. Though she was in a hurry so she was only able to shoot one in the head. The other bullet wedged itself in the soft tissue between shoulder and arm. She, whichever one it really was, fell to the ground. Justin found himself released from the woman's powers. He took a moment to finally catch his breath. He had more than a few bruised ribs, maybe a fractured bone or two, from being thrown around the street.

"Razy!" Ivy called again as she continued her direct path towards the fallen woman.

Ivy got to her friend's side and pulled her as far away from the gore of the scene before her as she could. Her white nightgown now covered in blood and pieces of the man who was once known as Silver. She immediately put her hands over Razaria's body to try and feel out if there were any internal injuries from Silver sticking his hand inside her. When she found nothing wrong on the inside she moved up to her head to try and help with whatever damage was caused there.

On the other side of the street Mari had managed to get herself out of the siren song and electrocuted the last standing member of Justin's old unit. The battle was over, and they had come out on top this time, barely.

Justin took this chance to go over to where Dante was still on his knees recovering from the after effects of using his Gift. He made sure that the other man didn't fall flat onto his face, supporting him as Dante got a better handle of himself. Slowly, Justin helped Dante to his feet.

"Hey, snap out of it," Justin said calmly. "We still have to get out of here. You don't have time to faint, do you understand?"

"Wha-What just...did that?"

Justin let out a deep breath, "Yeah, it looks like it. Are you okay?"

"Razaria," Dante said instead. "Is Razaria okay?"

"Ivy has her. She'll be okay. But you — are you okay?"

"I think," Dante said to his friend who slowly led him around to the back seat of the truck.

"Get in, I'll get the girls, just sit tight," Justin said, making sure Dante got in as instructed before running off to fetch the others.

As he got to Ivy and Razaria, Justin picked up Razaria carefully and walked her back over to the truck. He placed her gently next to Dante in the back seat before Ivy hopped in so that she could continue to heal her. Justin walked to the diver's seat and Mari took the passenger's side. The two redheads looked at one another with a quiet understanding. No words had to be spoken for them both to know that they needed to get out of there as soon as possible. Justin started the truck and took them away from the gruesome scene left in their wake.

Justin drove without stopping for over two and a half hours. They passed through many smaller farming towns along the way. Each one blended into the next as they didn't stop. Mari ensured that they hit nothing but green lights whenever they encountered any traffic lights while Ivy made sure that no one was going to die under her watch. It took her a while to finish with her back seat patients. She was in a limited space and she hadn't exactly gotten a restful night's sleep after working all day. She blinked heavily, trying to shake off her own exhaustion, as she leaned forward towards Justin.

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