Chapter 28

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Chapter Twenty-Eight:

Life Lessons

Dante moved slowly as he pushed up on Razaria's arm. For something that he had down since he could remember, Dante felt like he was moving painfully slow. But that's what she needed right now so that's what he was doing. He just hoped that Razaria was paying attention as he showed her one way how to take a handgun away from someone. As he moved under her arm, showing her how to twist the gun away, it was awkward. Only because the move he was trying to show her was meant, mainly, for someone either smaller than or of equal size to the shooter to take the gun away.

"Okay, your turn," Dante said as he held the toy squirt gun in his hand.

He extended his arm out, pointing the gun at her face. The idea of squirting her in the face surfaced for a moment but he restrained himself. So far the lesson had been going well. He didn't want to ruin that. Dante internally congratulated himself on his choice as Razaria moved in closer to him with determination. She grabbed his wrist and the gun as he'd shown her, sliding herself under his arm while also pushing his arms upwards, and gained control of the gun before backing away from him.

"Good," he complimented. "Just keep in mind that it only works with someone of a comparable range of strength."

"What's good is that going to do?" Razaria asked as she held the gun, letting out a frustrated sound. "I already told you, I'm not as strong as you guys. So why are you teaching me something like this?"

"I said range, not an exact match."


"It's just not something you want to use on someone you know has some physical augmentation or beyond average upper body strength."

"So I can't use this on you?"

"No, you can," Dante said. "You just can't use it on someone like twice my muscle mass or on someone like Justin."

"Ok," Razaria said as she continued to practice the motions that Dante had been showing her. "When can I learn some actual tactics to take someone down like Ivy does?" She stopped and looked him in the eye.

"When you get the basics down it will be a lot easier to teach you more moves like what you have seen Ivy and Mari do," Dante responded. "Now keep practicing. You want this down as muscle memory."

Razaria let out a deep sigh as she continued over and over again to shove herself under Dante's arms and take control of the gun. It got to the point that it felt like she'd gotten blistered from how many times she'd twisted her palms over his wrists. It was a wonder that Dante didn't have some form of wrist burn or something. After a while, Dante moved back towards having her practice the stance that started it all - the one she loathed at one point. This time as she went into it, Razaria tried to actually listen to his corrections. And she didn't mind his hands when he went to help her adjust.

Once they shifted back towards hand to hand, he had her practice what seemed to be basic hits to her. Dante corrected her grip, making sure her fingers were placed correctly, and that she was striking with the full force of her body before returning to the right position. Over and over again until her already tired arms felt like they were a hundred pounds each.

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