Chapter 24

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Chapter Twenty-Four:


The sound of a machine slowly powering down filled the dark room. The lights came on slowly, illuminating the white walls with an inhuman glow as there was no actual light fixture. It was as though the room itself was alive; which may not have been too far off from the truth. One of the walls opened up as Bernard came in with a glass of water in his hand. He handed it over to the person who had been laying down in the corner as they painfully pushed himself up.

"You're looking better, 1-4-5," Bernard said with an amicable smile on his face.

1-4-5 sipped down the water, brushing his thick brown hair backwards over his forehead with his available hand. Running down his face were red lines that branched out, fracturing and feathering into smaller branches either like a tree or a very unique look of a snowflake up close. As his fingers touched the red lines, sensitive as they still were, he hissed.

"I wouldn't have looked worse if she hadn't resisted so hard," 1-4-5 or, as Justin had once called him, Donavan complained.

"That was unexpected," Bernard admitted, taking a step back as Donavan stood up. "There are a lot of complications with this particular Unit; 1-4-6 seems to be no exception. It seems that she has more Gifts than she let on. Commander Tribelon no doubt helped to conceal this from us."

"Oh, don't get me started on him. That bastard destroyed Silver."

Bernard nodded sympathetically, "He was extraordinary. It is hard to believe that my son was able to beat him. I know he's talented but I didn't think he would have been able to overcome 0-5-2."

"He wouldn't have if you had told us he was a fucking Legacy too," Donavan was a very grumpy boy as he shoved the empty glass back towards Bernard.

"Excuse me?" Bernard looked surprised by that.

"Don't play innocent with me Doctor. You sent us in against our own commander and Unit 16 blind. Sara and I both saw Tribelon use his Gift. It ripped Silver into pieces."

Bernard was quiet upon the admission. They hadn't gotten to talk with Sara; at least not while she was coherent. She'd been shot and had nearly bled out. If their back up squad hadn't gotten to the scene when they had, there was a very good chance that they lost both remaining Legacies from Unit 13 - Sara and Donavan. Hearing from one of them that his son had a Gift was surprising to say the least. While Dante Tribelon had proved to be more than extraordinary, he had never shown signs of being able to use any Gifts despite his origins. The fact that they were appearing now, after all these years, was something that Bernard would need to look further into. First they find out that Justin wasn't what they believed, then 1-4-6 had shown some peculiar Gifts they hadn't known about, and now Dante was exhibiting powers as was eyewitnessed by two other members.

His report was going to make his dear old friend very interested in the curious case of Unit 16. 

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