Chapter 5

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Chapter Five:


Razaria had been at The Organization for two weeks and she was sick of it. They did the same thing day in and day out. Wake up, get ready for the day in thirty minutes or less, go to classes, do grueling exercises, more classes, get meals that were so healthy she was pretty sure her body was going into shock, train some more, and go back to bed. If they were lucky, Dante intervened at the end of the day to give them Rec time. Which was probably the only part of the day she could actually stand.

The Recreation room, loosely put as it was an amalgamation of rooms, had a mini theater in there that surpassed any she'd been to before, minus the snacks, along with any video game she could think of. There were physical games too - pool tables, air hockey, darts, and a bunch of other things she hadn't paid attention to. The only thing she couldn't find there was a way out of the damned place. Or chips. She would murder someone for some chips.

So overall, on the topic of the entertainment areas provided, she might have admitted to the Recreation Room being the best place she'd ever been in. She couldn't admit that; not aloud at least. Which meant that the conflicted feelings over that room were left to bubble under the surface. Unlike one of the many training rooms, like the one she was currently in. Her feelings on the training rooms were clear and simple. She just plain out hated them. Especially the mats - if given the chance, she would burn those to the ground and then toss the ashes into the ocean so they could be recycled into fish shit.

Razaria groaned as she felt herself being slammed back into the padded area, her leg swept out from under her again. She could pretty much taste those mats at this point.

"Come on," Dante said as he offered her his hand. "You can't stay on your back morning, noon and night."

"Eat shit," she cursed.

Razaria slapped away his hand and stood up as best she could. She could feel bruises forming in places that had never even touched the ground. Dante pushed her feet away from one another with his own, forcing her to bend knees that felt like that was the last thing they wanted to do. Razaria could feel her thighs quivering from the effort it actually took to stay standing like that at this point. Two weeks of working out every day with taskmasters that didn't care about bruising her wasn't exactly something she'd been used to.

"When you dodge, you need to move your whole body, not just your torso," Dante told her once he saw how she was standing.

"I am!"

"Obviously not or you wouldn't be on the ground so much. If you just move your top half, you unbalance yourself. It's easy to knock someone who is off balance to the ground," he told her.

He moved in closer, coming from the side. Razaria clenched her teeth tightly and tried to move when he got closer. She flinched when she saw him reach out. Only to look down to where he'd put his hands.

"Oh hell no, stop touching me," she hissed out at him.

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