Chapter 14

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Chapter Fourteen:

Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood

Razaria woke up, but couldn't seem to open her eyes. She knew she was in a nice, big, warm bed and did not want to get up. It was silent in the room except for the shuffle of a body next to her. She rolled over trying to get closer to the warmth of whoever she was next to when an unexpected pain resounded through all her joints, causing her to let out a whimper. Her eyes finally creaked open and she took a deep breath. As her eyes focused she was able to tell that the room she was in was unrecognizable.

Instead of the black and green covers of Dante's bed, or the ones from her room with Unit 16, there was a light green comforter atop her. Razaria sat up slowly, gingerly moving her legs off of the bed and hands gripped the edge of the bed. The sheer tan curtains had been drawn to the high posts of the bed, tied with a bit of light green ribbon. Across the way, deep brown curtains covered the windows. As they went all the way to the floor she had a sneaky suspicion that it was a sliding door rather than a standard window. Razaria looked down at the end of the bed to see a set of sinks with a gold gilded mirror above them and a white, wooden door across from it. The hallmark trades of a hotel.

Razaria nearly jumped when a groan from behind her echoed inside of the room. She spun around as quickly as her body would allow her to see that Dante was on the bed as well. Better him than the guard that had knocked her to the ground at least. Her brows furrowed as she tried to remember how she'd gotten from being thrown about to laying in a nice soft bed. Frustratingly, she couldn't remember. She just had a vague idea it somehow had to do with Dante.

Pushing herself up to the best of her ability, Razaria got up slowly trying to ignore the shooting pain running up her body as she made her way over to the curtains. She pushed them aside to see that she'd been right, they led to a balcony. The balcony overlooked a small pool and hottub for the guests of the establishment. As Razaria looked out from the balcony and down into the courtyard, she could see both Mari and Ivy down there. Mari in the pool swimming around in a modest swim top that covered her stomach and a pair of swim shorts while Ivy was laying on a lounger in a tiny green suit that left little to the imagination. Razaria laughed to herself over how polar opposite the two girls were and leaned against the railing of the balcony.

She felt as if she had been beaten within an inch of her life but she could barely remember a thing. The last clear image she had in her mind was Doctor Bernard ordering Vanx to take her but after that things were fuzzy. It was obvious that she was out of the Organization now though. There were no white walls, no asshole guards stationed every hundred feet, and there was the smell of dirt and pollen floating through the air. Razaria walked back into the room and laid back down next to the sleeping Dante. This time she carefully rolled to her side and started to shake him lightly hoping to stir him.

It seemed however that he was in fact not sleeping and had been awake for at least a few moments. When he turned his eyes towards her they were already open and he was fully aware of his surroundings.

"I'm glad you're awake," he said to her in a low soft voice.

"What happened?"

"I'm probably not the best person to ask, honestly I don't remember much."

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