Chapter 13

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Chapter Thirteen:

This is the Way I Pray

In a better world, Dante would have had more time to find out what was happening. In a perfect world, none of this would have been happening at all. As he lived in the only world that really existed, as far as he was aware, Dante had to deal with the conditions as they were. The conditions indicated that he had no more time to waste. He moved over to the door and kicked it in, taking in what he could of the room in the short amount of time he had. What he saw made his blood boil and in some way he lost a part of his consciousness.

Razaria was strapped down to a marble looking table that looked far too much like a sacrificial altar for comfort. Other than the metallic draining cuffs holding her arms down to the table, a tube-top like white bralette and underwear, she'd been stripped bare. Along the skin that Dante could see were silver lines tracing down in a meaningful way. Hovering just above her on its way down was a roughly human shaped lid filled with glittering sharp needles.

Dante blocked the armbar coming his way from the taller Officer. Vanx didn't let up as he brought his opposing knee up to jam Dante in the ribs. With a grunt, Dante took the blow before landing a kick of his own to force Vanx back. Bernard hurried over to some control table as the fight went on; intent to try and speed up the descent of whatever machine they were trying to use on Razaria. Watching his father move across the room as he struck out was like watching a fading movie play out before his eyes. That's how removed Dante felt from the situation as he struck out with an elbow to Vanx's face. He could hear the man's teeth grinding against one another as he dislocated his jaw. Dante didn't stop there as he followed it up with another knee to the ribs, pulling him in closer so that it was more effective. Vanx tried to get a hold on Dante's arms to dislodge him. As he pulled them apart, Dante shifted into a shin kick right up at the top of Vanx's torso. He could hear one of Vanx's ribs cracking. The dark haired man pushed Vanx away and sent him falling back into a wall as he moved on.

"Son, stop," Bernard said in a serious tone. "Think about what you're doing. You're throwing away everything for a girl you just met!"

Not that Bernard's words were heeded. Dante got to Razaria as she lay prone on the table. No matter how much he tried to pull the bindings off of her they wouldn't give. He couldn't get the cuffs off either. Dante rounded around the table towards where his father stood at the control board. A sound of something breaking the air caught his attention. As Dante turned around, light like fire glanced over his chest. His shirt was burned from arm to arm, sagging and only being kept in place by the back portion. The skin underneath was singed and in some parts destroyed all the way to the deep tissue.

Dante fell to his knee as he saw a the nurse he'd heard moments ago aiming at him once more. She was panting, cold sweat rolling off her brow as she aimed a firearm at him. It was small, silver, and didn't so much as shoot regular bullets as it did pure energy. Energy, Dante knew in the recesses of his mind, that came directly from the one that fired it. She would be able to fire one more shot, two at most. Unfortunately the muscles that were destroyed in her first shot were very important ones. It would make any movement difficult and very painful.

The nurse took aim once more but this time Bernard stepped between the two of them. "He's too valuable!"

Dante stared at the man for a moment before looking back to the Nurse. A thousand and one thoughts were suppressed inside of his head as he stood up. Even though it was excruciating, he grabbed his own father in a headlock. If he pressed any harder or held him too long Dante would be without his last parent.

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