Chapter 17

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Chapter Seventeen:

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

"It's so perfect here! I never want to leave!"

Ivy had acclimated to the room that she and the other girls had been given quite well in the last three days. So well, in fact, that there were now plants hanging from every possible place that she could manage without causing structural damage. To Razaria the heady scent of plants was still preferable to the smell of isopropyl.

"We'll have to leave at some point," Razaria said as scrolled through her old social media account.

She had thrown herself across Ivy's bed as she scrolled through on the rather large phone. She was smiling and laughing to herself as she found funny little pictures. More than once she had Ivy come over to look at something she'd found. And more than once, Ivy asked if Justin was ever going to get his phone back; those were the kind of comments that Razaria brushed off as she happily continued to use his phone for her entertainment.

"But then you'll have to stop going on the internet," Ivy pointed out. "The Organization hasn't come to take us yet because Skye isn't letting them in the city."

"So does that mean we are actually safe here?" Razaria asked, looking up from the phone for a split second.

"Doubtful," Mari said, standing by a large window looking out at Wolvesbane nightlife in the distance. "Nothing is ever that easy."

"I guess that's true," Razaria responded before going back to what she was doing when the notification ding interrupted her scrolling. She cursed under her breath as another notification came through. "Leave me alone Dante."

Ivy looked over Razaria's shoulder at the message that had popped up on the phone and made a small noise. "Awe, you should go talk to him Razy. He really seems to miss you."

"Well he shouldn't have put us on the back burner then. Plus I'm having fun with Justin," Razaria said, pushing the notification away.

"Speaking of fun, it looks like there are a lot of things going on out there, want to go exploring?" Mari tossed up.

Razaria nodded without hesitation. "Wolvesbane has some pretty cool things to see after dark from what I read. It'd be a good girls night out."

"Oh, I read about those!" Ivy said excitedly.

Her enthusiasm was almost contagious as they got ready for the night. Not that they could do much with the limited supplies they had. It was still the ritual of getting ready to sneak away from the boys that thrilled the group more than anything.


Shortly before the girls started to sneak out of their room, Dante stood in a large corridor filled with pictures of all sorts. There were ones that reached back through time among more modern depictions. Not that he was really paying attention to any of them at the moment. He was more interested in looking through the different news channels on his phone. The small screen and processing power was no match for the computer he'd had back on Laris but it was the best he could do at the moment. Orange eyes scanned through mentions of Lady Skye.

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