Chapter 21

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Chapter Twenty-One:

Keep on Keeping On

Dante cursed under his breath as the hot summer sun beat down on him and the others. It had been half a day since they had to leave Wolvesbane with only the clothes on their back. Everything else had burned in the fire that had destroyed Skye's estate. Which meant that they had been traveling by foot for the entirety of the way without rest; they didn't even have food and water with them. They had taken turns sleeping in the safest area that Justin and Dante had managed to find along their grueling trek. Despite the fact that they didn't have any way to light their way, thus they traveled slowly through the heavily wooded area, it had been preferable to when the harsh summer sun crowned overhead. With no food or water, their exhaustion and morale deteriorated rapidly under such conditions.

They moved over towards the largest, fullest tree in sight before taking their break. Ivy and Mari dropped down to the blissfully cooler ground. Razaria walked over to Dante and stopped in front of him. Her skin had been a light, healthy tan before coming to the Organization. Staying away from most forms of sunlight for the majority of two months had only lessened her coloration a little. As they walked throughout the day, she'd gained the color back and then some. If he wasn't mistaken she was going to have a light sunburn soon.

"I don't want to walk anymore Dante," Razaria whined.

"We don't have any other option at the moment."

"There is a small town coming up in a few miles," Justin pointed out. "I used to stop there all the time. They have a really cool tavern there."

Razaria nodded. "Fine..."

"Oh a Tavern! That sounds fun! are we going to pay for it?" Ivy asked with wide eyes.

"Don't worry about that right now. Just focus on resting up and then getting there," was Dante's advice.

"It's hot," Mari complained. "Heat and I do not get along. Make it go away."

"It's the middle of summer, what do you expect?" Dante asked her, his frustration starting to get the better of him.

Dante had never been a fan of summer. It was his least favorite season. If he had any say so, the world should just be put into an eternal fall. He looked over at Razaria and started to remove the jacket he had on from when they went to the Vigil. He put it over Razaria's bare shoulders.

"So you don't get too badly sunburnt," he explained as she looked at him

"Aw, that's so cute, Donny!" Ivy said as she fluffed out her shirt to try and create a breeze.

"He just wants to get laid," Justin offered.

"Laid?" Ivy asked, not sure of what Justin meant.

"It means he wants to get naked with Razaria and make little Ronny," Mari chuckled.

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