Chapter 11

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Chapter Eleven:

The Fall Out

Dante unwrapped the dark haired woman from his arms. He sat up with his back to her. After he stood up, Razaria felt her discarded clothing tossed at her. Dante picked up his own pants and pulled them back on without acknowledging her. Once he stood up, he made his way to his closet to pull fresh clothes out and then into the bathroom without so much as a glance back at her. He shut the door to the bathroom behind him and slammed his hand down on the counter in frustration. Not only had he just broken every rule in the book he had probably just made her feel like shit too. Why was he so stupid?

He felt guilt rise in his chest as he turned on the water to the shower. Dante quickly shed his pants and got in. It only took him a few minutes to wash up and change into his clothing for the day. He had said something about it being their day off last night so when he walked out of the bathroom in a normal workout outfit instead of his regular armor, Razaria wasn't shocked. He looked at her as she sat on the couch as if he had been about to say something when there was a knock from the door.

Guilt, and frustration were evident on his features as he gestured for her to go hide in the bathroom. Razaria ran past him and closed the door quietly behind her. She heard Dante go to open the door and listened closely as she heard a familiar voice speak to him.

"Son, we need to discuss one of your subordinates," Bernard said with a stern tone. "Some others have reported that you have gotten rather close with 1-7-2."

"Her name is Razaria."

His father knew he hated calling his unit by numbers. The only time he did it was when he needed to; like when it was training time. He avoided it after hours and during Rec time. Using the numbers was dehumanizing. Which was why the system had been implemented in the first place no doubt. The Legacies under the Organization were supposed to be soldiers first, people rarely.

"Is there any truth to these reports?"

Dante hesitated; of course there was. Last night made that more than clear to him. Feeling her body under his had been amazing, but he had to lie to protect her. The sooner he could shut down the conversation, the sooner he could get away from his father. Which would help to keep up the pretense that nothing happened. Dante still felt unstable on his own two feet and that wasn't including the lights he had to face, nor the fact that he actually had to speak to another person.

"No," Dante lied through his teeth. "I am employing tactics to gain her trust and loyalty like I have with the rest of my Unit."

Bernard looked at him for a moment, nodding slowly. "Your methods have gotten those girls to achieve more than other Units. And you're a top candidate to take over this entire base when I retire. But if you get another demerit, that'll never happen."

"I know," Dante said curtly, cutting the topic short.

"If I hear anymore of these rumors, I will have to take further steps. Also, stop drinking so much will you? I can smell the alcohol on your breath and you've already had a shower by the look of things."

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