Chapter 29

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Chapter Twenty-Nine:

And the Tide Rolls in

Ivy smiled as Dante and Razaria got to the dance floor. She watched as Razaria led Dante through a few different steps. Her eyes followed their feet as she swayed to the music. It looked like so much fun! She looked over her shoulder once she felt like she knew the basics. She spun around, happily grabbing at the nearest person. It just so happened to be Nathan. Ivy pulled him out with her, practically skipping backwards. Nathan smiled good naturedly and allowed himself to be led out among the crowd. It was a night for celebration after all.

Once they were out there, Nathan grabbed a hold of Ivy's hand the right way and put his other one to rest over the rise of her hip. Forward and back, back and then forward. Ivy was a natural talent as she picked up on the basic steps quickly. He laughed as she used their connected hands to put above her head and twirled. Then she twirled again. Apparently that was something she liked doing. Nathan introduced more complicated steps only for her to keep up with him. Ivy surprised him with how quickly she'd learned the routine and further still when she weaved back through the throng of people, still gripping his hand, to go back and get Mari.

The redhead fussed as Ivy dragged her into the dancing area. "Oh come on, it's Donny's birthday! You gotta have fun and dance!"

"Ivy, you were having fun dancing. Not me," Mari told her with a pointed look as Nathan slipped out of Ivy's hand hold.

"Oh no you don't mister," Ivy said as she went over to get him before he disappeared into the crowd of dancers. "You have to teach her too!"

"Oh do I?" Nathan asked, raising an eyebrow.

Some of the couples nearby made a bit of room. There were more than a couple onlookers, casting side glances to the oddly matched small group as they danced on.

"Yes," Ivy insisted as she pulled one of Mari's and Nathan's hands together. "Come on Nathy, you're such a good teacher!"

Nathan laughed at the nickname while Mari simply rolled her eyes. As Ivy smiled, she walked backwards to admire her handwork. With a self satisfied nod, Ivy hurried back through the crowd before either Mari or Nathan could stop her. Not that either would be very inclined to do so. The music seemed to speed up as Ivy watched Nathan lead Mari through the basic steps, just as he had with her. Though unlike her, Mari didn't seem to be as big on improvising. She did, however, watch what the others were doing around her and incorporated what she saw. Which made Ivy proud.

The white haired young woman moved back to the table where Justin was sipping on one of the local drinks, eyes fixed in the crowd. Seeing that only made Ivy's grin widen.

"Oh goodie," she whispered to herself as she walked over to him. "Hey, Jussy. Having fun?"

He smiled at her, as though there wasn't a care in the world, before taking a big sip from his drink. Ivy sat down beside him as she laughed. Despite the fact that he looked just as merry as the rest of them she could see that his attention was pretty much fixed in one spot. Regardless of the fact that every once in a while she watched as he let his eyes wander through the crowd she knew exactly what had his attention. The fact that Mari actually started to smile and laugh the longer she and Nathan moved to the music, only made it better. With every sway the redhead put into her steps, or anything that put her closer to Nathan than she absolutely had to be in order to participate, Ivy could see Justin's eyes narrow momentarily into micro-glares. He was trying so hard to seem like he wasn't upset by the fact that he'd been left out from all the fun tonight. Ivy watched in glee as Justin sat down his bottle and got up.

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