show me true love: part 3

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Han pov

I wanted to ask them about their eating habits considering they ordered the smallest meal possible. It really concerned me. But I knew it would be better as to leave it alone until they knew me better.

That's why when they thanked me I didn't say much. But all I wanted to do is ask them what caused this? Why would they eat so little? I assumed it was something with their parents, considering how they mentioned them.

I knew waiting until I knew more about y/n was the best choice. So I started to ask some questions, basic ones. "So, what type of music do you like?"

y/n giggled softly and looked at me "I really like all kinds, but lately kpop and krap have been my favorite."

My eyes went wide "ohhh! I love krap! There's so many amazing solo artists! Whats your favorite?"

They smiled "well.. I like sik-k a lot and punchello."

I bounced excitedly "they are truely amazing. Their songs are so good. Oh uh... what hobbies so you have?"

They/he/she thought for a second before responding "uhm... painting and drawing are really my favorites.. even though im not good at it."

I tilted my head "do you mind if I see? I promise I won't judge. I bet it looks amazing anyways."

y/n pov

He wants to see MY artwork? I hate most of my work. It never turns out how I like. It never turns out as perfect as I would like. I feel a little hesitant to show him, but decide to go ahead and do it. It's not like he'll see me alive again... right? This is meant to be my last day. Atleast I think it is.

I pull up a picture and show it to him

I pull up a picture and show it to him

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He stares at it, making me nervous. I quickly grab the phone and turn it off. "It's okay if you don't like it... just please... just stop staring at it.." I looked down and bit my lip, feeling a little hurt at his actions.

He shook his head "it's beautiful. You have a lot of talent. I wasn't staring at it because it was bad, I was staring at it to admire the details. Have you never shown your art to anyone?"

I shook my head "I don't show my art. Its not good enough. You really like it?"

He nodded "I don't like it... I love it."

As the food arrived, I looked at it nervously and picked at it.

He quickly noticed and held my hand "y/n, may I feed you?"

I looked at him shocked and turned red. "F-Feed me... uhmm.. sure... why not." I smiled a little as he began feeding me slowly, eating in between each spoonful.

My stomach started growling horribly, making me embarrassed. It wasn't used to eating such good meals, and it wanted more. But I didn't. "Can we go... please.."

He nodded and payed for the meals, walking with me "It's alright for your stomach to make noise. It's a normal human reaction to hunger. I won't pressure you into eating more but if you'd like to, I can get you more food."

"I'm not ready to eat more..." he smiled "thank you for telling me your thoughts. I'm proud of you for eating as much as you did. I don't really know how much you ate before but I have a feeling it was a lot less, you're showing growth!"

I looked down and played with my fingers thinking 'growth? My parents hate that word when it's meant to be about me.' I looked back up at Jisung, a little bit of fear in my eyes "I.. I have to go back home.. my parents are gonna kill me.."

He nodded "alright but I'm taking you home. There's been a lot of creeps lately. I don't want you getting hurt."

I nodded nervously and walked with him to my house "your house isn't far right...? You're not going to be walking alone too far?"

He shook his head "It's a few blocks from here. I'll be alright," he said as we were infront of my house.

I hummed in response "thank you for taking me home. and for.... everything you did today."

He handed me my bag and nodded "of course y/n. If you need anything, don't be afraid to call or text me."

I tilted my head "I don't have your num-" he cut me off by saying "your phone says differently. Now, go inside before it gets too dark."

I waved and went into my house, noticing him waiting to walk away until I had made it inside.

I quickly ran to my room and layed down. Is this really what true happiness is..?

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