seo changbin

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Tw: mentions of a se!zure, arguments, and mentions of abu$e
(If I didn't write this accurately about seizures please tell me and im sorry)

Y/N pov

Changbin and I didn't fight often. When we did though, it was never that serious. Except this time. He was stressed out from working so it intensified everything.

And him not knowing much about my abuse made everything much worse. All he knew was that I had a horrible breakup.

This fight was about how we didn't spend enough time together. Atleast that's what it eventually turned into.

"Y/N, whenever I come home now you don't even greet me? What's wrong with you!? Huh!?!"

"Changbin it was just this one time! I was tired from working out! I was just taking a nap!"

That's when it happened. He got closer to me, making it hard for me to breathe. "You never greet me the same! No hug! No kiss! No hello anymore!"

"Y-Yes I do changbin... I did yesterday... and the day before.."

As he lifted up his hand to comb it through his hair, I flinched hard. I covered my face and backed away, almost letting out a tiny whimper.

Changbin pov

I started to soften up seeing her state of fear "Y/N I'm so sorry.... I didn't mean to frighten you.." I held her carefully and started to tear up.

She stayed frozen for a little before lightly pushing me "leave me alone... I want to be alone.." she started crying as she walked away.

I frowned and sat on the couch, sobbing hard. 'I just ruined our relationship... I ruined it...'

Y/N pov

I felt bad that I left him on such bad terms right now but I needed to calm myself down. It reminded me too much of my tramua.

I layed down on the bed as I began to hyperventilate. I layed to the side and tucked my knees into my chest. I tried everything in my power not to make any sound but I couldn't.

Loud whimpers came out of my mouth as I started to cry harder. I tried hard to muffle them so Changbin didn't hear but once I heard his footsteps getting louder, I knew he had heard.

He knocked on the door carefully as I closed my eyes, gasping for a bit of air so I could talk. "Y/N, may I come in?"

I tried to mutter out something, atleast acknowledge his presence but nothing came out. I sobbed harder as I tried to get up and open the door. When I realized it was no use in trying I tried again to mutter a simple "Yes." Which I was successful in.

He opened the door and came towards me carefully, I could tell he was trying not to alarm me. "Can I sit down love?"

I nodded as my chest began to heave. I could feel my panic attack getting worse, my whole body began stiffening. That's when I realized it wasn't a panic attack. I was about to have a seizure.

Changbin pov

I started to get worried once I saw her legs spasm. "Y/N? Are you okay?"

She didn't say anything as her arms began to jerk. Her eyes were open but it didn't seem like she was there.

"Baby? What's going on?"

Then it clicked in my head. I remember her talking about her inherented seizures. I put a pillow under her head and grabbed a rag, carefully wiping off the drool that began to come out of her mouth.

I put a towel under her and stroked her hair softly. "You're okay baby. You're okay."

I watched her closely to make sure she didn't hurt herself until her arms started jerking then backed away, waiting till she regained consciousness.

"Hey baby. It's me hun, im here with you. Everythings okay."

She softly muttered "Changbin...?"

I went back to her and set her head in my lap, kissing her forehead softly. "Does anything hurt love?"

She nodded tiredly and muttered "arms.."

I nodded and carefully massaged her arms "everythings okay. I got you my love."

"I'm sorry for how I acted earlier. I don't know fully what happened with your ex so I should've been more mindful of that."

She shook her head and looked up at me "I-Its okay... I know you weren't trying to scare or hurt me.."

"I know but, I shouldn't of taken my stress out on you. You don't deserve that at all. I just can't get this dance right and it's made me upset today."

"No.. it's okay I should've greeted you like I normally do-"

"I know you love me Y/N. You not coming and greeting me today is allowed. You're allowed to just relax when you need it."

"O-Okay it's just... todays the first m-month he abused me.."

"He abused you? Oh dear... I'm so sorry. I promise, I'll never lay a finger on you in that type of way. I only want you to feel loved and cared for."

She started to cry softly, making my heart break. "Oh baby.. it's okay. What's wrong?"

"The memories... he.. was so manipulative... so kind one second... so hatefull the other... it hurt my heart.. I thought I'd never trust anyone again."

"Im glad you've trusted me. And I get it, it takes time. Take as much time as you need."

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