Bangchan (very short story)

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3rd pov
It's late at night, around 12 am. The sound of music filled the air. There was a party going on at a house. To be exact, Y/BF/N's house. Y/N wasn't much of a party person, but since it was her best friends party she decided to go. She soon grew to regret it.

Fear filled her mind and anger as the overstimulation she felt got worse. She wanted to hide but she knew that she couldn't. She hated feeling like this, as she was trying to have fun, her mind felt overloaded.

As the feeling got worse, so did her breathing. The pace increased rapidly, small gasps for air being heard in between. As tears started streaming down her face, she knew she had to leave. But every exit was ambushed by people.

She quickly tried to get somewhere with less people until she ran into someone. Another one of her best friends, chan. He noticed the tears and hard breathing rather quickly and helped her up. He whispered in her ear "let's go somewhere more quiet okay? Just trust me."

Y/N pov

I followed Chan into a room nervously. I trusted him, but I really didn't know if anyone else would be in there. Luckily there wasn't anyone. I sat down on the bed and tried to calm down my breathing.

"Look at me." Chan said as I turned over to him.

"Mimick my breathing pattern okay?"

He took slow and deep breaths, me following along. After a couple minutes of this, I finally was able to breathe normally.

"Thank you." I slowly stood up to go leave as I didn't want to keep him longer but he stopped me.

"I know you're not okay yet. Just sit down and we can talk okay?"

I nodded and sat back down again, leaning my head on his shoulder.

"Im sorry for freaking out."

"No, it's not your fault. You can't blame yourself for your overstimulation. I know you were just trying to have fun."

I shook my head and hugged him "Yes I can and I will. I should've stayed home."

He frowned and rubbed my back "No. You shouldn't of. You're right where you belong. You deserve to have fun. It's just hard sometimes, overstimulation is something you can't control, you can just manage it once it happens."

He started wrapping me in a blanket and put headphones on me, putting on one of my favorite playlists.

I layed my head in his lap and closed my eyes, smiling softly.

"Thank you Channie."

He nodded and patted my head, removing one side of the headphones.

"Of course. Now relax for a little okay? Whenever you're ready to go back, let me know."

You looked up at him for a second and smiled wider, carressing his cheek before giving it a peck.

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