stray kids (0t8 18+)

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Tw: 0verst!mulation, b0ndage, degrad@tion(sp!t,wr!ting,$ex d0ll,cry!ng), 0rgy, pr@s!ng, $ex t@pe, sp@nk!ng, sl@pp!ng, hum!li@tion

Inspired by @/lilsvngiez's instragram post "L3t'5 W4tch P---"

The seven members were there. They were watching a gay romantic movie. The movie had a couple sex scenes in it, making the room fill with sexual tension.

Minho was sitting next to Jisung on a velvet-blue love seat.

Seungmin was sitting in a seperate chair, farther away from the members. He covered himself in a blue and white blanket.

Jeongin was sitting on the couch with Chan and Changbin, feeling a bit bored. They all shared a dark blue blanket which matched the couch.

Hyunjin was sitting by himself on the floor, despite there being two other chairs. He was starting to get a bit turned on by the sex scenes in the movie

Jisung ordered a pizza while sitting and watching the scene unfold. He put his hand on minho's thigh to indicate how he was feeling. He didn't like to show it often because he felt embarrassed at showing those feelings, but he always felt safe telling Minho.

And of course, Minho enjoyed his subtle signs. He loved how Jisung asked for things like this.

Hyunjin was starting to feel more horny, making him whine softly. "Can we watch porn..? Like we did last time?"

They all looked at each other awaiting for someone to respond. Chan eventually did "sure, you perv."

Once he got it set up, everyone looked at him scratching there heads "What kind should we watch?"

Changbin shurgged "some femboy shit or whatever."

Hyunjin clicked his tongue and nodded "That's a great idea!"

"Gay asses..." chan muttered as he searched through.

"Don't forget, I ordered pizza so we have to be quick." Jisung warned to everyone.

Chan scrolled through carefully, waiting for any of the members to say anything. Soon enough, it arrived to a video that intrigued all of them. It was a boy wearing a short pink skirt and a lace top, barely covering anything. The skirt covered a good amount, his tip still displayed infront of him as he sat on the thick dildo.

"C-Can we watch that one...?" Jeongin said as his cheeks began to turn red. He was getting harder by the minute.

Chan muttered a quiet "sure" before clicking on it.

As the seven boys began watching, Hyunjin groaned "fuck this is so hot.." he tilted his head back in a rather dramatic form.

"Stop acting like that, this is just for entertainment." Seungmin said as he got increasingly nervous, feeling a bit out of place.

"Don't be so boring min, look I'll take my cock out." Changbin started in a rather harsh down, unzipping his pants and pulling his underwear down along with his pants.

"W-We didn't do this last time hyung.." jeongin found it hard to speak normally, continuously stumbling over his words. His eyes couldn't leave Changbin no matter how hard he tried. That eventually changed when the boy in the video started moaning. The boy grabbed the base of the dildo tightly, moving it in and out of himself desperately as he squatted on his fluffy white rug.

"Fuck it.." Hyunjin said as he pulled his dick out, making strong eye contact with Changbin as he pumped his dick softly.

"Jesus christ guys!" Chan attempted to whisper, failing to be quiet. He was beginning to want to follow what Changbin and Hyunjin were doing, trying to decide if he wanted to save his dignity or relieve the pressure in his pants. He chose to relieve it.

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