stray kids x han pt. 2

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(This ones pretty long by the way, just a warning)

Panic. That was all han felt. It was consuming him. Of course they would have to perform, do a fanmeet, then fly back home tomorrow. And to add on top of those stressors, he's been stuck in his head lately.

Stray kids was preparing for another comeback and it's taking a lot longer than usual. Of course han blames himself for this. He kept making mistakes during filiming, and messing up words or pitches during the recording of their songs.

The rest of the members understood. I mean, Jisung did just tell everyone his biggest secret. Something he's kept so close to him for years. But jisung felt like they hated him for it, for taking up their time and making them work harder due to his mistakes. It's been weighing him down immensely to the point where he's been slipping in and out uncontrollably.

This was the case when Jisung stayed in the pratice room after everyone left. Chan was in a recording studio but everyone else went back to the dorm. While Jisung was dancing, he started to feel dizzy and was stumbling very easily. He knew he should've rested but he just wanted to do better. He wanted his members and stay to be proud of him. And he felt like he wasn't doing that. He forced himself to continue which caused him to pass out. He fell to the ground causing him to hit his head.

After an hour or so, sungie woke up, rubbing his head and tearing up. Bruises were already starting to form on him. As he became more awake he looked around for someone and started to panic.

Where's dada? Ish channie heah? where deh gwo... they nwo wove me anymore?

Sungie started to cry, the pain getting worse along with his sadness. He grabbed jisungs phone and tried to figure out how it worked but he couldn't. So he sat there, curled up in a ball, sobbing for what felt like hours to him. He was so alone and scared. Would he have to take care of himself again?

Meanwhile, Minho was starting to get worried. It was 1am and practice ended at 6pm. If Jisung had been practicing that long, he could get severely injured. And he hasn't come back. He tried to reassure himself that he could've been working with chan but he just had a really bad feeling. So he decided to call Chan.

"Hey hyung, is Ji with you?"

"No, why? Has he not came back yet?"

"No he hasn't... I'm really worried. Could you please go see if he's in a pratice room?"

"Of course I can Minho. Just give me a second, I'll call you back once I know what's going on." Chan quickly got up and started running to the practice room they were in earlier.

"No... no please just... keep me on the phone I don't care. I'm too worried to wait."

"Okay..." chan opened the door and dropped his phone in shock at what he saw. There was a little bit of blood on the ground, sungie was covered in bruises, and shaking vigorously in fear.

"Jisung? What happened?"

Sungie flinched at the sound of the voice and looked up to see that it was Chan. Tears started flowing faster down his eyes as he ran towards chan, slamming his head into the olders chest quickly. He sobbed into his shirt and gripped it tightly.

"Baby? Shhh... it's okay. You're okay. I'm here." Chan rubbed sungies back "what happened bub?"

"mwe woke up heah... nwo see nobody swo goh scwared... fwout dey fworgot abough sungie.."

"Aw, my poor baby. We would never forget about you my love. Here, lets go get some stuff to make you feel better okay? Let me just tell dada whats going on really quick."

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