show me true love: part 4

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3rd person pov

While y/n had finally felt happy after years of torment, this was soon to be diminished.

What they failed to remember is that they missed half of the day due to staying with Jisung. They wouldn't blame him of course, he was trying to help in their troubling times. And they chose to follow him.

But once y/n landed on that bed, their memory would flood back. Their mother opens the door abruptly and starts shouting at them. Missing half the day and not being at home was not okay. So y/n wouldn't be allowed to go the next day... or the day after... or the week after.

They went to the bathroom after hearing their moms lecture and took out the fresh blade. They cut their skin over and over again, using it as a carving board.

'Not being able to escape,' y/n thought, 'there's no way im going to survive. I need help.'

Y/N pov

After cutting both of my legs and treating the wounds, I decided to call Jisung. My thoughts were running rampid and I couldn't stop crying. If I stay here another second I'll never make it back out again.

As the phone rings I get nervous. 'He'll see the scars then hate me and leave. He'll think im weird if I call this late. I can't call, it's not right.'

I hang up the phone and throw it on my bed, sobbing into my pillow. That is until I hear the phone ring. I look to see who it was, already expecting it to be Jisung. I was correct.

I answered the call and muttered "h-hello...?" My voice was so broken, he could definitely tell I was crying.

Jisung seemed so worried as he talked "Is everything alright? Did something happen? Do you need me to come pick you up?"

My breathing started to get heavy and fast 'fuck not now.. I can't have a panic attack right now..'

I managed to mutter out "please... please hurry.." I start quickly packing my things after hanging up the phone, making sure to stay as quiet as I could once I escaped through the window.

Han pov

When I arrived at her house I saw her climbing out her bedroom window, her face full of sheer terror. I turned off my lights and pulled into the driveway, putting her things in the trunk and helping her inside.

"y/n... what happened?" I said looking at her worriedly

She took deep breaths and looked at me "just drive... I promise we can talk when we get to y-your house."

I nodded and quickly drove off. She seemed to have a phobia of this house.

As we arrived she started to calm down. I parked the car and led her inside, grabbing her bags and putting them in the spare bedroom.

Once I came into the living room, where she was, she ran over and hugged me. I stood there in complete shock.

It took me a minute to come to my senses and finally hug her, but when I did I felt her melt in my arms. This was truely the best feeling ever. "Whenever you're ready to talk y/n, im ready to listen."

Y/N pov

I was nervous when I hugged him. But I couldn't resist after he saved me. I sobbed into his chest as he rubbed my back, using his other hand to rub my head. I hated that I hugged him so soon. We barely know each other. But I needed the comfort so bad.

We stayed like that for a while before seperating. Once we did he guided me to the kitchen and poured water for both of us.

I took a sip and thanked him, to which he nodded in response.

I knew it was time to tell him.

"When I came back, my parents had gotten the phone call that I wasn't at school for half of the day. It made them very upset. They were going to lock me in there for weeks. That's when I knew I couldn't handle it anymore. I couldn't handle the beatings or the harsh words. That's why I called you. But I was so scared... I didn't want to wake you or anything. And I really didn't want to drag you into my problems. But when you called back I knew I had to ask you."

He listened intently, tears falling down his face. "This is my fault. I shouldn't of made you skip. Im so sorry."

I shook my head "no, you just saved me. I hated living there. No matter what I do I'm ridiculed. The only thing they love about me is that they can use me as a throw pillow. A slave."

He frowned and held my hand, making my heart skip a beat. "I will never do that to you. I promise. I'll only protect you and make you feel loved. That's what you truly deserve."

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