stray kids (pt. 2)

951 12 8

----- = Time change/pov change
*** = flashback
Italics = someone thinking
Italics+Underline = Previous chapter

"Don't worry about it right now lix. Let's just get some rest so you aren't so tired tomorrow, yeah?" hyunjin plays with felixs hair and hums softly to help him sleep. It works perfectly, felix passing out within a matter of minutes.

felix wakes up, wincing at the bright light in his eyes. Is it already morning? Why do I feel so tired?

"Hey lix, we have to leave soon okay? so do what you need to do quickly. do you feel like you might slip during the fanmeet? that's the first thing were doing today." chan asks

felix rubs his eyes and nods, muttering to chan "yeah... where's hyunjin?"

"he's getting ready. alright, I'm gonna let you get ready, then I want to talk with you. try and be really quick okay?"

felix nods and takes a quick shower, brushing his teeth, and going to the kitchen to eat breakfast. chan was waiting there for him.

"alright... felix. I just want you to know I'm not mad at you. I could never be mad at you. I just wanted to address this because it is very serious. Have you been c!tting to stop yourself from slipping?" chan asks.

felix looks at him and starts to tear up "I.... yes... I have... I'm so sorry I-"

"shhh... it's okay lix. I'm not upset. come here." chan opens his arms for felix. felix hugs him tightly and cries softly "I just didn't want to burden you guys... it's hard to take care of littles... and I know I can be an annoying little.." he sniffles "why else would everybody have left me?"

"hey, don't say that about yourself. you are perfect the way you are. I think others were jealous of you. you've found a way to cope with stress and just relax for a while. They probably just want that as well so they make fun of you for it. And you're not annoying, neither is lixxie. in fact, lixxie really helps me calm down. only thinking about caring for lixxie and nothing else really helps at times." chan smiles, thinking about the first time felix slipped. he was so stressed out but having lixxie show up instantly melted away his stress.

felix hugs chan tighter and kisses his neck to show his appreciation for the words he said. he didn't say anything, he was too afraid to.

"alright. now that we got that out of the way... lets talk about what our game plan is for today."

"with what...?"

"the fanmeet and concert. for the fanmeet, would you like to try going with us or would you rather us two stay backstage or something? either is perfectly fine."

"I... I think I should just stay back... it'll be easier. uhm.. chan-hyung? can I ask something of you...?"

"of course you can! what's up?"

"well uhm... before the fanmeet, like when were there... can hyunjin help me slip...? it's just I'm really stressed and I... I don't know. he makes me feel.. small." felix blushes softly

chan chuckles softly "of course, whatever you think is gonna help. do I not make you feel small?"

felix looks away shyly "no! no you do it's just... his hands are so big compared to mine and it makes me feel really small I guess? I don't know..."

chan smiles "it's okay. I'm not judging you. infact, im proud of you for telling me this. I bet it was hard for you to do. I'm so proud of you. you've grown so much."

felix turns red "stoppp hyung.. I... you're gonna make me feel small.." he whines.

"okay, okay I'll stop." chan giggles and kisses felixs forehead. "hyung-" felix whines again in protest. he cuts himself off once the members come in though.

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