stray kids (pt. 4)

847 9 21

----- = Time change/pov change
*** = flashback
Italics = someone thinking
Italics+Underline = Previous chapter

"alright dear, open your mouth." chan smiles at him and pops the paci in his mouth that hyunjin gave him. changbin suckles on it, and flips through the coloring book. sometime in between then he slipped.

"did he slip?" chan whispers to felix and felix nods "I think so." he whispers back.

"hey honey, how old are you?" chan gently asks and changbin holds up 3 fingers. chan coos at him and smiles "good boy." felix gets up, the fuziness dizzying him a little bit. he didn't really want to slip right now because he knew his little side would want chan and he wanted changbin to have a really good experience with his first time slipping. so he decides to leave.

hyunjin whispered to chan "I'll go check on him. want me to send anyone else in to help you?"

"yeah, send in minho. he's the only other one older." chan whispers and hyunjin nods, texting minho and telling him to go to changbins room.

hyunjin follows felix, noticing how he was shuffling and almost falling over. he quickly ran over and held him to his chest "felix, what's going on? are you alright?"

felix hums and tries to wiggle out of hyunjins grip. he fails though as hyunjin carries him to the couch and sits down with him. felix closes his eyes, trying to ignore the little playing with seungmin and jisung who had come out after felix and chan left.

hyunjin holds felix closer and whispers in his ear "whats wrong?"

"please just let me go to my room... don wan- I don't want to be here right now."

"felix... are you slipping?"

"no..! no.. I'm not. just leave me alone. let me go." felix squirms and whines when hyunjin holds him tighter. seungmin notices this and gently whispers to innie that he'll be right back. he goes over to felix and hyunjin and gives hyunjin a certain look that makes him release felix. he grabs felix and tells hyunjin to take care of innie before leading felix to his room.

"what do you want. why can't you just leave me alone!?" felix groans

"because I know what you're doing and I want to know why. why arent you letting yourself slip? It's obvious you aren't. why else would you be trying to not look at us or trying to leave? I know you love innie so that wouldn't be your reason for leaving and it makes sense why you need to slip, a lot just happened. so why deny yourself of something that benefits you?"

"because seungmin.. I don't want to be a burden. and I don't want to ruin changbins first time slipping."

"changbins a little too?" felix nods and sighs softly, resting his head in seungmins lap. seungmin gently stroked his hair. "what does him being a little have to do with you slipping though? you can slip around me, hyunjin, jisung, chan, any of us. We'll take care of you. plus you can play with changbin and innie."

"no... I just.. I can't ruin this for him. it's fine."

"no it's not felix. why are you hesitant?"

"because, my little side is so attached to chan but chan is taking care of changbin. I don't want to deprive that experience from changbin so it's better if I don't slip. cause all lixxie is gonna want is to be with him and have all of his attention. that's not fair to changbin so if I don't slip, it's not a problem. there. is that what you wanted to hear? how selfish I am? will you let me leave now?"

seungmin chuckles softly and pecks felixs forehead "you get in your head too much felix. chan would drop the world for you. plus, changbin won't mind. minhos with him now, right? and he can come play with innie. you just have to communicate what you want. not push it down for the sake of making everyone else happy. you matter too."

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