Hwang Hyunjin

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Tw: B!nge e@ting disorder

Y/N pov

I was doing it again. Stuffing my face like I was a turkey. I looked down at the millions of wrappers that were left and started sobbing. Why can't I stop this?

I just keep eating tons then stop eating for days. I know it's not healthy. I know it's not safe. My weight changes every second due to the amount of food I intake per day. I hate it, because no matter what, im still fat.

Sometimes I try and force myself to stop eating for longer. Instead of days, weeks. But I'm never able to go through with it. I think my boyfriend has started to notice the behavior, not only my eating habits but the constant weight changes.

I decided, I have to tell him. I can't stop hiding it. I have to be open with Hyunjin. Even though I'm not used to being that way.

I bit my lip and started crying. I'm so nervous to tell him. What if he hates me? What if he leaves me because this is too much to deal with?

I sat down on the ground and brought my knees to my chest, sobbing. Then I hear him walking into our room, well I shouldn't say walking, he more or so ran.

As he bent down to comfort me I hugged him tightly, sobbing into his chest.

Hyunjin pov

When I saw Y/N crying it broke my heart. She didn't deserve to be sad at all.

"What's wrong princess?"

She slowly looked up at me, her adorable eyes full of tears, "I..I-"

I cut her off as I pulled her closer to me "let yourself calm down then tell me."

She shook her head and continued to sob "My eating habit is so bad Hyunjin. I.. everytime I eat... I binge. Then I purge. And I hate myself for it. It makes me want to die... or to harm myself and.. im sorry." She started to sob harder.

I frowned and held her as close as I could "It's alright Y/N. You don't have to be sorry. I can help you overcome this okay? I will help you."

She nodded and shoved her face into my chest "okay.."

"Have you eaten today?"

She started tearing up and looked away ashamed "y-yes... im sorry.."

I shook my head "no y/n. don't be sorry. I'm glad you ate. Could you please tell me what you did eat?"

She pointed to the trash can, her hands shaking "e-everything in there.."

I nodded "would you like me to look through somewhere else..?"

She shook her head and I began searching. Chocolate... donuts.... chips... ice cream... protein bars... a pepper... candy..

I thought to myself 'she had some protein... okay that's good.'

Once I looked through it all I put the trashcan back and smiled reassuringly "Im glad you had some protein. Tomorrow we'll have three light meals okay? I'll eat with you everyday for a while. For as long as needed."

She thought for a minute and sniffled, wiping away her tears with her sleeve. She looked absolutely adorable, how could someone look so adorable? Her face was red and puffy, her cheeks glowing in the light emitting from the windows. "B-But... Hyunie... your work... you have to be there-"

I cut her off by kissing her lips carefully. "Don't worry about that. I'll deal with it. Lets just focus on us."

She nodded hesitantly and layed down in bed.

-Next day-

Y/N pov

I woke up to the strong smell of bacon and eggs. I frowned softly and muttered "Do I really have to eat...?"

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