Seo Changbin

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Tw: family issues

Y/N pov

They we're doing it, again. They were fighting. But instead of it being a fight they quickly come back from. This one wasn't. My mom avoided my dad as often as she could, and didn't do anything she wanted to anymore.

I wasn't planning on telling my boyfriend, Changbin, but it was getting too much to handle. My mom talking about my dad, saying the same things I think about him everyday. Her words are the same things she told me to ignore when it came to my dad.

How he makes fun of me, how he wants us to do things a certain way and at a certain time. She was complaining about the same thing she told me to ignore. That's when I knew, I couldn't take it anymore.

I started sobbing. I couldn't bear the pain anymore. 'I need to call him... now.'

I quickly picked up my phone, my hands shaking as I found his contact and called him.

Changbin pov

My phone started ringing, I was going to ignore it until I saw who it was calling me. Y/N. She never calls? She always texts. Something must really be wrong.

I answer "Y/N whats wrong?" I said as I quickly put on my shoes and grabbed my keys, running to the car.

I heard her quiet sobs. 'She was crying... somethings not right'

"I-Im sorry to bother you... b-but my parents-"

I cut her off and said "you don't have to explain right now. Let me get there and pick you up. We can talk at my house, or in the car."

I started speeding to Y/N's house "I'm on my way... just... stay on the phone with me. They aren't harming you right? You're not in danger?"

She took a deep breath "N-No im not... b-but they can't see you... they'll k-kill you.."

I pulled up next to her house, right infront of her bedroom. I quickly got out and climbed up to her window, knocking on it.

I heard her gasp and open the window "changbin...?"

Y/N pov

'He got here so quickly, he was that worried?'

He grabbed my hand "come on princess. Let's go." I shook my head "I need my bag.."

I quickly ran to grab it then came back, climbing out the window with the help of changbin.

He helped me off the roof of my house and get to the car. My parents house had an add-on that had a seperate roof. This roof just happened to be right below my bedroom, it was typically how changbin came in.

Changbin pov

Once we got into the car Y/N hugged me tightly. I smiled at the cute reaction and hugged her back. "Thank you binnie.. thank you."

I noticed she was starting to cry again. Whatever happened, it was hurting her so much inside. She never really cried, unless something was really wrong.

Seeing her cry instantly increased my anger. 'They did this to her. They made her cry again.' I thought as I looked down at her as she cried onto my shirt, which was now soaking wet.

I didn't mind, I was glad she was expressing her feelings to me. But it made me angry that she was crying. She doesn't deserve to be upset. And knowing that her parents did this?

"You don't need to thank me. I will always, always be here for you. Now lets go to my house, we can talk on the way if you'd like."

She nodded as I started the car. I buckled myself and noticed she wasn't buckled "Y/N. Your buckle." I said in a slight tone of anger.

'Shit, she's gonna think I'm mad.' I looked at her worriedly as she quickly buckled herself. I began driving back to my house.

She looked at me, a bit scared then looked down at her lap. I knew, she thought I was mad.

Y/N pov

'He's mad at me... he really doesn't want me to come to his house.. he's just doing it because he feels like he has to.' I told myself as I wiped away my tears

"Hey... I think I was just overracting.. hormones and stuff right? Lets just go back to my house... I'll be okay."

He parked in front of his house and shook his head "no. I'm sorry to have such a tone at you. I was just so upset that this has happened to you. They made you cry. And that made me really angry, when I realized that."

I looked up at him "binnie.."

He shushed me and picked me up, along with my bag, bringing me into his house and setting me down on the couch. "Now talk to me Y/N. Tell me what happened. Im here to listen."

I nodded and took a deep breath "my parents had a huge fight. Not their normal ones. One like I've never seen before. Instead of just moving on like it didn't happen, my mom didn't. She ignored my dad as much as she could." I started to sob as I continued, "The fight happened right in front of me. My parents fought while knowing I was right there, watching. Completely stuck in place because I was afraid. I was afraid due to my dad yelling again."

He frowned and rubbed my back "I'm so sorry that happened to you. I'm sorry you had to see that. But know im here. You can stay with me if you'd like. It doesn't have to be for a long time, it could be the night, or a year. Whatever you're comfortable with."

I nodded and hugged him tightly "changbin... my mom.. she was talking about how my dad acts. Remember the things I've told you about my father? And how those have made me insecure at times?"

He nodded "yes... why?"

"My mom always told me to ignore it. 'Ignore his words, he doesn't mean it.' Ignore this, ignore that. But she was talking about the same things, complaining about the same things... it made me so mad."

I noticed him gritting his teeth. "She has no right to be like that. It's so... stupid. You should never ignore your feelings. Never. Understood?"

I nodded slowly and started to sob "binnie... are you sure I can stay with you..?"

He cupped my face and wiped away my tears carefully "yes princess. yes. You can stay with me."

I nodded and took a deep breath "thank you."

"Of course, I'll always be here. I'll always be here for you."

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