Lee Felix

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TW: Binge Eating Disorder

Y/N pov

Lately, you've been binge eating on and off. You had been trying to hide it from your boyfriend, Felix. But it was getting so hard. Eating late at night huge amounts of food while he's asleep, then not eating all day. You hated yourself for doing it but you couldn't stop the pattern.

It killed you. It made you feel so weak at times. And not to mention the weight change constantly. Not being able to focus on the normal conversations you and Felix have. Distancing yourself from him. You could tell he was so worried when he noticed you clenching your stomach in pain and being really nauseous at times.

You had to tell him, you knew you did. But everytime you were ready to you froze up.

Today you decided it was time. Maybe he'd be able to help you.

You slowly got up, hearing Felix make breakfast. He used to make breakfast for you everyday, but since you kept refusing it he stopped.

You went to the kitchen and sat in front of him. "F-Felix...?"

He looked up at you then looked back down to continue cooking "Yes my dear?"

You took a deep breath and tried to keep talking "uh.. uhm.. can we.. can we talk please...?"

He stopped and turned of the stove right away "yes. Is everything alright?" He looked worriedly.

You shook your head and went to hug him. He picked you up and carried you to the bedroom, closing the door and laying you down. "Whenever you're ready to talk."

You started to tear up, making you embarrassed. You thought to yourself 'don't cry... it pointless. Don't be stupid.' But it was already too late. You started to sob and hold tightly onto him as he rubbed your back and kissed your head. You could notice his worried expression getting worse.

"I-I.. I really need help felix..." you managed to get out in between sobs

"With what dear? Anything you need. Im here."

"I can't stop binge eating... its making everything... so hard.." you started to breathe heavily.

He nodded, almost as if he knew. "I thought something was wrong. But I didn't want to bother you about it yet. It was starting to get worse so I was going to confront you. But I'm glad you told me. I'll do my best to help. And if you need further help, we'll find you more okay?"

You nodded and held him tighter. He wiped away your tears "I don't want to lose you. Whatever helps you, or what you think is going to help, tell me. I'll try anything for you. Okay?"

He gently lifted up your chin and kissed your lips. "I.. I was thinking of something..."

He smiled and waited for you to explain. "Uhm.. well I commonly binge eat at night, once you fall asleep. Maybe uhm.. maybe.. ah.. nevermind.. I don't want to bother you... you need rest."

He frowned "If you need to wake me up, do so. I'm not going to be upset. I want you healthy. I have time later to catch up on rest. I don't have time later to help you overcome this."

You smiled a little "okay... but I was just thinking I can try and fall asleep first...? Maybe it might help..?"

He nodded "Yes. And if that doesn't, wake me up. And I'll help you eat three meals a day."

You kissed him softly "Thank you babe."

-A couple days later-

Y/N pov

You've been doing good for a day or two. But it was starting to be really hard. Since your habit was changed, it really stressed you out.

You were trying hard not to get frustrated by it and keep your patterns, but sometimes you couldn't help it.

This was one of those times. You needed felix to be here with you. But you didn't want to wake him. He needed sleep. It was already 12 am and he had work early in the morning.

Felix pov

I woke up as y/n started moving in the bed. I had a feeling something was wrong and I needed to help her.

"Y/N, baby? Is everything okay?" I whispered softly in her ear after bringing her closer to me.

She shook her head and started sniffling. I carefully sat up and put her in my lap. She held onto my back and I held onto her waist, letting her cry on my shoulder.

"It's alright. Im here. We'll get through this together. Okay?" I rubbed her back and kissed her all over her face.

"I just really want to eat... I don't even feel hungry..."

I nodded "how about we get a glass of water for you to drink? It may help."

She wrapped her legs around my waist and clinged to my chest "yes please."

I giggled and got up, holding onto her to ensure she doesn't fall and got her some water. "Here love."

I handed her the bottle and took her back to the bedroom. I set her down and sat next to her, watching her drink the bottle and giving her small encouragements every once in a while.

Once she finished it I said to her "do you feel better dear?" She nodded and layed down with me.

"Come here" I picked her up and laid her on top of me. She giggled and kissed my cheek whispering "Thank you lixie"

I smiled "Of course. You deserve to be cared for. You deserve to have someone with you to help you recover. Thank you for telling me. Now I can be that person."

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