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Tw: mentions of su!cide, c^tting, de@th

You slide the blade against your wrist feeling instant relief when blood started pouring out. You could finally leave the world. Tears spilled out of your eyes slower than the drops of blood streaming down your wrist. But once you hear the bedroom door creak open, you felt your heart shatter. He noticed your absence.

His heart dropped to the floor as he ran to you, tears spilling down his face. "Y/n! Y/n please... please stay awake. Chan! Chan please call 911!" He screamed loudly, his voice breaking.

You sniffled "im sorry Jisung..."

"Y/n no! Y/n.. please.. I love you so much... please keep talking to me..." he applied pressure to your wounds, his sobbing getting worse. Chan ran into the room after having called 911 and helped Jisung apply pressure.

"Han.. just let me go." You smiled weakly and closed your eyes

"DONT Y/N! PLEASE! I CAN'T LOSE YOU!" he begged and kept firm pressure, the paramedics came in and got you. He followed despite his agressive sobbing. "Jisung I don't know if you should go alone with her-"

"I need to be with her."

Chan frowned "then im coming with you."

Jisung didn't say anything as they both got into the ambulance. He held your hand the whole ride there and until they took you to the surgery room.

"Please let me go in... I promise I won't get in the way... she's my whole world... I need to be with her." Han pleaded to the nurse.

"Im sorry but theres nothing I can do. It's for her safety, we have to make sure the doctors can access all parts of her body at any time and reach whatever is needed."

"I just want to be in the room, not holding her. Please... can't I just sit in the room? Or help them with something? Like hand them tools and stuff? Please.. she's the love of my life... I can't lose her."

"That's why it's better for you to stay out here sir. The doctors will be able to work better this way."

Jisung sighed and sunk to the ground, not uttering another word. He cried his heart out "y/n... please stay with me..." he put his knees to his chest and covered his face with his arms. Chan rubbed his back and held him close "it'll be alright Han. She'll make it through this."

He started to hear beeping in the surgery room and somebody annoucing a code. He looked and saw nurses running over. He quickly got up and tried to get in "Y/N! PLEASE!"

Guards ended up having to hold him back as the doctors tried to bring you back to life. "Y/n! I love you! I love you so much! Please don't leave! Please don't give up!" Han begged as Chan tried to pull him back.

Han watched as the doctors kept trying to bring you back. His ears were ringing, it had felt like time had stopped. Tears were falling onto the floor as he watched the machine flatline. The doctors announced "time of death... 19:50." The nurses unhooked the machines from you.

Jisung collapsed to the ground and hugged his knees tightly "y/n.. y/n.. y/n please.. please.. please come back.. please don't do this to me.. im sorry if I did something wrong... just please don't leave me.. I can't do this without you.." his vision was blurry and he couldn't hear anything around him. All he could hear was ringing in his ears.

He closed his eyes and started seeing memories of you two. You were so happy. The sparkle in your eyes formed gentle hearts, something he always noticed. Tears puddled around him as he gripped onto his arm, tearing his skin open. "Why did you leave y/n..? Why did you leave me?" He muttered.

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