Kim Seungmin (18+)

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Tw: Bullying, soft/lil bit of rough $ex, anx!ety

You were nervous about this. Going out to a fancy party with Seungmin. He's so... perfect. And you felt so... ugly. You tried to keep yourself confident but nothing was working. That was until you put on your dress. It gave you a huge boost of confidence.

You walked downstairs and got in the car with Seungmin

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You walked downstairs and got in the car with Seungmin. Your anxiety got worse as you guys drove away. You didn't talk and neither did he.

Seungmin was worried about you. But he didn't know how to comfort you or how to ask whats up. So he rested his hand on your thigh and rubbed it slowly.

Once you guys arrived he locked arms with you as the two of you walked in. Everyones eyes was on the two of you, more or so him than you. Considering he was famous, you weren't suprised. But what increased your anxiety is when you heard people laughing. You looked over and noticed they we're pointing at you.

That made your small amount of confidence completely shatter. Instead of smiling and waving at people kind enough to greet you, you gave small smiles and waves and didn't dare speak to anyone.

Seungmin noticed this quickly and tried to make conversation with you. "Hey y/n look! It's Changbin and Hyunjin." He knew that you bonded well with the both of them, as you did with the rest of his members. But your bond with them was more special.

He dragged you over as they came to hug you. You just turned the other way "i-im gonna get a drink.." you quickly walked to the bar and got a water bottle.

Seungmin frowned and looked at the two "somethings wrong hyungs. She won't tell me. She's been so silent after we walked in."

"Just keep a close eye on her and comfort her however you can seungmin." Changbin said as he watched you.

As you were walking back someone stopped you. They were the same girls laughing at you earlier "I can't believe Seungmin would date such an ugly girl like you. You look like a pig. Why don't you oink for us huh?" One of the girls said.

You bit your lip and tried to keep up your confidence and not cry. You didn't say anything and just listened to what they said. "Dump him. You don't even deserve him. You're not beautiful enough for him." Another one said.

"Common pig, drink your water." The final girl dumped the water bottle you had on yourself. You just ignored it and went and get another.

Seungmin noticed what happened. It made him furious. He looked at Changbin and Hyunjin "You know what to do."

They nodded as Seungmin went to find a mic.

You walked up to Changbin and Hyunjin "hey wheres minnie... I'm getting kind of sick and I want to go home." The words those girls told you kept repeating in your head, completely crushing your spirit. Changbin and Hyunjin wrapped you in a hug and dried you off.

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