show me true love: part 7(ending)

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Y/N pov

'I love you,' did he just say that? What does he mean by that? Love. I should just ask him. But what if he didn't want me to know he said that?

"Hannie... w-what do you mean by that...?"

Shit... did I just ask him? No... no.. what if it's awkward.

He looked at me stunned "y-youre awake..."

I looked up at him and nodded "what do you mean by love? Are you going to hurt me?" I slowly got up

He shook his head "no.. no I won't hurt you. Do you know what love means?"

I thought for a moment "don't people say it when they pretend to care for someone?"

He gasped "No. Love is when you care a lot about someone. When you see them, you smile because they make you so happy. When they smile, you smile. When they cry, you cry along with them. You experience their emotions with them and they do the same for you. You stick with them through good and bad. That's love."

I turned red "That's what that really means...?" He nodded in response

"It can sometimes mean someone loves you as a friend or as in they want to date you."

I tilted my head "What does it mean in this case?"

He stayed quiet, to which I understood.

"I...I.. I don't know what to say." I took a deep breath and tried to collect my thoughts.

He looked at me "you don't have to answer right now..."

I shook my head "but if I don't, you'll think I don't like you..."

He shook his head "no I won't. Go take a breather okay? I'll be right here when you're ready."

I sniffled as the thoughts in my head got worse. The voice inside me kept repeating 'He's just fooling you. Just kill yourself. Nobody will love you. Nobody ever has loved you. Not like he has defined it.'

I shook my head and quickly went into the bathroom, closing the door and locking it.

Han pov

I got nervous when I saw her go into the bathroom. 'Is she going to hurt herself? I don't know where she left the blade...'

I knocked on the door "please... can you let me in... ? You don't have to talk but please, let me know you're safe."

I heard her slowly get up and start to unlock the door. She suddenly stopped and locked it again.

'Shit.. shit shit shit... she's hurting herself. I need to help her. How do I get through? I don't want to scare her.'

"Y/n please. I promise I won't judge you."

The door knob turns, revealing her face full of tears and her arms bleeding slightly. I run to her and hug her tightly. I started crying and rubbed her back.

"I love you too hannie... but can we take things really slow..? I'm really not used to... love. Or kindness. I'm just afraid that you'll realize how bad I am and leave.. so lets start slow."

I nodded and wiped away her tears "do we still get to cuddle? And can I give you forehead kisses?"

She giggled and nodded "yes, of course. But nothing more yet."

I nodded and smiled widely. And held her tighter "I love you, I love you so much."

She sniffled and pulled away a little "I... I.."

I shushed her "it's okay. You don't have to say it. I know this is hard for you. I'll wait for it, okay?"

She nodded and smiled "thank you hannie!"

I picked her up and layed her down on the bed. I grabbed a med kit to treat her wounds, once I was done I laid next to her. I didn't cuddle her and just waited until she decided to do so.

After a couple minutes I heard her whine and snuggle into me. I smiled widely and giggled, wrapping my arms around her.

We began talking about almost everything, in order to learn more about each other.

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