I. Missing Kid

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That's something Daisy had figured out a few years prior. Even if you consider your life pretty eventful it's only a matter of time before that feeling diminishes away, and all those people along with it. A blip as her sister called it.

You can do whatever dumb shit you wish to do, yell at whoever you wish, and maybe even fuck whoever you want. Those special years eventually fall into a black hole that as you grow older, will spread throughout your entire body until you're nothing.

She knew that her popularity wouldn't last long but she could enjoy it whilst she could. You only live once, right?

Daisy didn't like talking about these subjects with her friends — she considered it pretty useless knowing the topic would go in one ear and out the other and soon enough the conversation would do a full 180 and onto school rumors. Rumors were made to up the others and bring the spotlight onto other people. Say you got shitfaced, and did some ridiculous shit— someone out there may have just found out some pretty damning shit about the man they liked and soon enough your humiliation won't be too news.

If you lived in a small town like Hawkins, Indiana, then your entire life story was bound to be known by every living resident. You aren't special. Your secrets aren't yours anymore, they're shared with the town, and the lies people spread about you drown out the truth, constructing a new person in everyone's eyes.

She knew there were countless rumors about her yet they never bothered her. Or maybe she didn't show how much they affected her. Daisy would rather sit quietly and look pretty, it was worthless picking a fight with anyone about it.

Even at times when she ignored what the other person was telling her and she didn't even try to hide it. Just like right now. Early morning in school with self-centered people surrounding her every move.

"There are never any cute guys in Hawkins," Tina huffed and looked at the mirror that sat on the open side of Daisy's locker. "Dais?"

"I know." She nodded and shrugged. Pushing the strap of her book bag up, Daisy responded, "Just hop over to the next town and pick up the first guy you see. Huge chance he'll deny you."

There was a sarcastic yet unreadable tone behind Daisy's words which made Tina's brain scramble before smiling. It was hard to guess what Daisy's words meant — you usually had to take them with a grain of salt just in case. Better be safe than sorry.

"You're right."

Tina's smile faded and she wasted no time in going 'psst!', motioning behind Daisy. She turned around with a frown, smiling at Nancy Wheeler and turning back around to roll her eyes at Tina. "Leave her alone, Tina."

"I just don't understand how she landed with Steve Harrington is all!"

She wanted to yell out What's so special about Steve Harrington! and God, did Daisy grow tired of hearing girls fawn over him.

Daisy sighed. "She's nice! Honestly, I see why Steve would go for her." Her hand pushed some of the books that threatened to spill out of her locker back inside. "We don't even know if they're dating."

There truly was nothing to hate about the Wheeler girl beside the fact that she was dating the most popular guy in Hawkins High School. And sometimes people acted as if he was the only fish that flapped on the streets of Hawkins High.

"I don't. She needs to brush that hair out — looks like a spider's nest." Tina pursed her lips and shrugged. "You've got to be dull-headed to not notice those looks they give each other."

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