V. Crazed Theories

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Especially when Daisy walked up to the Byers' house, the guy she was looking for opened the door. His mouth fell agape and she blinked, her mouth opening and closing but she couldn't form any words.

"I'm sorry, Jonathan," Daisy whispered. "For everything."

He nodded, gazing at the ground, and from time to time he would switch his weight onto the next foot. "I'm sorry too."

Jonathan observed her clothes — the seemingly noticeable softness of the long sleeve shirt she wore, the chain of her necklace seemingly clean without a single flaw on it. She had her hair tied back in a ponytail, some stray hairs falling down her sides — almost as if she woke up and her first thought was to drive straight over here.

Yet he couldn't stop the guilty feeling about that photo he took of her and the look on her face when she saw the picture. He finally looked her in the eyes and watched her repeat his past actions and look down, fiddling with her hands.

"About the picture.." Jonathan began. "I'm sorry— I shouldn't have done that."

Daisy nodded slightly, "Forgive and forget is a possible option. I don't wanna think about the whole... you know." She sighed.

She did truly want to forgive but a part of her knew she would never forget the image and how normal it looked until she saw how slightly zoomed in it was. Daisy's teeth began grinding against each other, creating a terrible noise like nails on a chalkboard, a sound she would never get used to.

It was awkward but there was still a sense of sincerity in her voice, and her features seemed softer than on other days when they would be just dull or annoyed. Jonathan always noticed how she sent him kind smiles and wondered if Frances had anything to do with it. After all, Frances was the more easygoing one whilst Daisy was titled an 'Uptight Bitch'  by Tommy H. She was a decent person, to say the least, not the best but she wasn't totally cruel.

Everyone had their moments and Daisy just seemed to have them more than usual.

"I'll just get out of your hair," Daisy gulped and stepped back, slightly stumbling on the steps. Jonathan reached out to help steady her.

"You okay?"

"Fine," She wouldn't mention that she was there when they pulled out his younger brother from the lake, how pale he looked. That's not something you tell a brother that's grieving his dead sibling. "I've gotta go — but, um, call me if you need anything. Anything.. really."

"Thank you," Jonathan finally managed to blurt out before she walked off.

She stared at him with a somewhat confused expression, her mouth ajar and lips pale due to the cold.

"Will always talked about you on those days you watched over them." Jonathan blinked, her open mouth quickly closing and forming the smallest smile she could conjure up.

"He was a good kid," Daisy responded, "Once again, I'm really, really sorry."

He nodded and watched her get into a different car than before but he assumed it was her own instead of Frances's. Today it was just her and the very obvious cold within — no Frances to be seen. Her breath was out in puffs of smoke, her hands hiding under the long sleeves she wore, giving the Byers boy one last smile before treading her way back.

Daisy didn't even have to debate about going to school since Mrs. Wheeler phoned her at the last second to take care of Mike for a while. She sent Jonathan another tight-lipped smile, putting her car in reverse and beginning to drive the way over to the Wheeler house. She didn't tell Mrs. Wheeler the real reason she hadn't gone to school today, she just made up some excuse about already having to go to a doctor's appointment later in the morning.

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