XVIII. Arcade Deals

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Even Daisy's hair had become a mess from how deeply Joshua was kissing her and in one swift move she managed to flip them over so she was on top. He let out a chuckle and grabbed her face with both hands, looking at her as if she was the first priority for him.

She raised her eyebrows and climbed off of him. "So, back to-" Daisy's eyes rolled when he reached over to kiss her jaw. "Stop — Josh, you know my dad could walk in any second, right?"

There was a small shrug that he directed toward her statement as he kissed her lips again, and almost as if Daisy jinxed it, the door opened. Christopher sighed with narrowed eyes when the two teens scrambled away from each other, moving his sight between a flustered Joshua and a Daisy that had an innocent smile.

"How was work?" She jumped off the bed to give him a hug, her father reciprocating the gesture whilst glaring at the boy from behind Daisy's shoulder.

Joshua cleared his throat and smiled awkwardly. "Hello, Mr. Hugo."

Daisy turned around to face her boyfriend with a comforting smile which calmed him to an acceptable extent. By now Joshua knew how Christopher joked around with him but it still made him panic whenever the older man even remotely terrifyingly stared at him. It made Christopher laugh to himself if the boy grew awkward or even radiated a scared energy.

"My day went great, baby." Christopher looked down at his youngest daughter and moved his gave back up at the Cunningham boy. "How have you been, Joshua? Haven't seen you around here lately?"

Something about his tone gave off that he knew about what the couple had been doing the past few weeks. Daisy would always sneak Joshua in late at night and always felt that she had been sneaky at it, but suddenly that feeling did a full 180 on her.

Joshua blinked, his mouth suddenly growing immensely dry. "Um... I've just been busy with school and basketball, sir."

"Hm." Christopher nodded and gave both of them a tight-lipped smile. He put his hand on Daisy's shoulder and smoothed the material of her cardigan out softly. "Nice catching up with you. Dinner in twenty, okay?" He told his youngest.

Daisy nodded and wrangled her hand together. "Yep — Joshua and I just have to finish our last few answers."

"Okay," Her father hummed and walked back out, leaving the door open which Daisy was quick to shut. Daisy's heart was thumping madly in her chest, sounding like a pair of drums that could be used in the background for a Fleetwood Mac song.

Joshua let out a deep breath, rubbing a hand over his face. "Jesus fuck.. that.."

"Was utterly terrifying," Daisy finished for him. She walked towards him as he pulled her in to stand between his open thighs, holding onto her waist. "I think he knows."

"He most definitely does," He whispered and closed his eyes for a moment, embracing the fact that everything was going well for them.

Both he and Daisy had their lives planned out and he saw her being there with him, but Daisy still hadn't told him her life plan. Those thoughts always came to him whenever he smelled her rosemary perfume that was laced with bergamot. But even if she brought comfort to him she also brought in doubt alongside it — the doubt that he wasn't good enough for her.

And that thought broke Joshua every time he thought about it, it kept him up at night and ate at him until he was nothing but a pair of demolished bones. He was pretty loose about the people Daisy hung out with even if she and Steve had started becoming some type of best friends in the past months.

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