XIX. Redhead Max

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Every time that Frances lowered it down Daisy would just reach over after a few seconds and put it back up, so there was no point in turning it down anymore. The song seemed to be working charms on Daisy's mood that went from a sour morning to now a cheerful and bubbly one. She had grown an obsession with Elvis Presley's music and had forced Frances not to tell anyone unless she wanted her Walkman to be destroyed.

Frances's first choice was to ignore that empty threat and move on about her day until a few minutes after Daisy had run out of her room without an explanation and came back with a hammer she took it somewhat seriously. Although secretly Daisy wouldn't have actually done— it no one besides her knew that. Sparing a glance at Daisy who was now singing along whilst fixing her lipstick Frances chuckled when Daisy mixed up the lyrics.

"Don't laugh at me," Daisy muttered and cursed when her lipstick smudged slightly.

"I'm not laughing at you." Frances shook her head and kept her eyes glued to the road — the last thing she wanted was to end up like Daisy with a suspended license.

"Can you go faster?" Daisy asked and sat straighter. "Yeah! When I get my license back we're gonna race."

Frances hummed, "I don't think so.." Daisy huffed at her answer and slumped back into her seat. "That's how you got your license suspended in the first place."

"No, it wasn't," Daisy answered as if it was the most simple thing in the world. Frances craned her neck to look at her sister with a 'Really?' look. "I'm serious, it was because I kept swerving left and right and a cop caught me."


Daisy nodded proudly. "It's so fun — you should try it once."

The eldest Hugo's eyebrows shot up and a frown formed on her chapped lips.

For Daisy's sixteenth birthday, she got a red 1963 Dodge Dart alongside her driver's license that she would be taking a few days later. But her parents should've known better considering she was a reckless driver and surprise! Daisy got her license suspended one week later. Frances wanted to taunt her sister about it the day they were notified but she believed in karma.

Daisy lowered the volume on the radio — How's The World Treating You by Elvis Presley growing lower as she turned to face Frances with a suspicious look.

"I'm not.." Frances started and glanced at her a few times, her lips curving up while she let out a laugh. "I just find it funny that Joshua got you hooked on Elvis is all."

"He didn't get me hooked on it," Daisy said and tilted her head. "Believe it or not, he listens to hard rock most of the time."

"Oh!" Frances laughed loudly at that, her body lifting to sit straighter. Of all the things she imagined Joshua listening to hard rock was not on that list.. not even by a long shot. "Does he actually?"

"Yes! Why would I lie about that?" Daisy snorted and covered it up by making it seem as if she was rubbing her nose. She pointed a finger at Frances who was still losing her mind over the news that Daisy had let out. "Don't tell him I told you."

Frances breathed in and out, letting a cough out from all her laughing. "Okay... I won't." She smiled and held in her laugh when they neared the school, her eyes settling in on the same guy they were just talking about. "Hard rock? Really?"

Daisy rolled her eyes and sighed, "Don't mention it." She looked back up in the rearview mirror to check out her lipstick before fully turning to Frances as the eldest Hugo parked next to Joshua's car.

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