IV. Stalking Photographer

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Frances had given her the keys to the car so she wouldn't be standing around while she went to her meeting with the swim teacher. Her blouse sleeves kept ridding up her arms and making it uncomfortable to move, so it kind of bothered her having to wait around.

She waved at Carol and saw them ushering her towards them, but it was Steve who walked over to get her.

"Hey, what's up?" Daisy asked, placing her bag inside the car and furrowing her eyebrows at the look on Steve's face. "What?"

"I think you're gonna want to hear this." That was all he said before walking her over to where Tommy H, Nicole, and Carol sat atop a car.

Throughout the entire conversation, Daisy seemed out of it, confused, to say the least. Why would Jonathan of all people be snapping pictures of them without their knowledge? So that led up to them waiting for him to show up.

The Byers boy seemed startled upon seeing the group waiting for him. Steve and Tommy instantly took it upon themselves to confront him first.

"Hey, man," Steve spoke up.

"What's going on?"

"Nicole here was, uh, telling us about your work," Steve stated.

Daisy watched as Jonathan seemed to shrink more into himself as the group spoke.

"We've heard great things." Carol nodded.

"Yeah, sounds cool."

"And we'd just love to take a look. You know, as...connoisseurs of art." Daisy scrunched her eyebrows together at Steve's words.

Jonathan sighed and began getting visibly nervous. "I don't know what you're talking about." Tommy quickly grabbed his bag when Jonathan tried to walk past them and into his hat.


"Hey," Jonathan exclaimed, reaching for his bag. "Please, give me my bag. No."

Daisy stood there, feeling like an outsider around the people she didn't even call her friends, watching as they taunted Jonathan and looked inside his bag.

"Man, he is totally trembling. He must really have something to hide."

"Steve, stop," Daisy said, looking carefully between the guys.

"Aren't you curious, Daisy?" Steve said, "Could be something interesting." He reached inside the bag and pulled out the fully developed photos, "Here we go."

Daisy went forward to see what it was and that it might be a mistake, her eyes widening slightly as the pictures were of them at Steve's house last night. One picture was of Daisy standing fully drenched, the dress practically see-through, and different shots of the group. She yanked the one that had specifically her out of Steve's hands and gasped, looking up at Jonathan.

"Yeah, this isn't creepy at all." Carol scoffed.

"I was looking for my brother." Jonathan quietly defended.

"No. No, this is called stalking." Steve hummed, looking straight at Nancy when she walked up to them, Frances right behind her.

"What's going on?" Nancy asked, clueless as to what they were looking at.

"Daisy?" Frances asked and watched as her sister's face scrunched up.

"Here's the starring lady." Tommy teased Nancy.


Carol took it upon herself to explain. "This creep was spying on us last night. He was probably gonna save this one for later."

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