XVI. Don't Give Up Now

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"Jesus! Jesus! What the hell was that?" Steve yelled.

"Shut up!" Jonathan and Nancy said at the same time while Daisy continued panting and staring at the door in fear.

Nothing was pretty much stopping the creature from breaking down that door and getting them all besides that bear trap that Daisy was now beginning to doubt. They all waited in silence beside the few scattered breaths here and there and Daisy gulped not even wanting to blink in case it would just get inside. She curled her hand around Steve's bicep, her left hand holding the axe as much as she could.

"What's it doing?" Nancy asked breathlessly.

"Probably preparing to fucking kill us." Daisy blurted out.

"Daisy, I need you to stay calm, okay?" Jonathan turned towards her with a softer expression than before. "It won't get to us, not with the trap, okay?"

She nodded and looked down at the yo-yo that was laying limply on the chair. The air was beginning to get thick and they all wished to be over with this and get Will back, but maybe Steve just wanted to go home and forget he ever came here to talk with Jonathan.

The electricity crackled and that made Daisy drop her hand from Steve's upper arm, her body inching forward to stand beside Nancy. Her knuckles were turning whiter than ever considering how hard her grip was on the handle of her axe.

"Do you hear anything?" Nancy asked quietly, causing Jonathan to turn off his lighter.

"No." He shook his head and quickly opened the door, being the first to step out. Nancy and Daisy followed after him slowly, looking out into the hallway with precise caution in case the creature was somewhere preparing to catch them.

"It couldn't have left," Daisy whispered, looking down at the empty bear trap.

Even though they wanted to find it they still couldn't risk themselves getting hurt in any way, plus the bear trap told them all they needed to know — it didn't follow their plan. Daisy sighed with distaste and dropped the position her arms were in, the axe now laying inches above the ground. She exhaled and harshly rubbed her nose which had begun getting itchy.

Jonathan and Nancy didn't give up just yet but they rather continued walking.

"Why do you have a gun in your pocket?" Steve asked quietly.

He was faced with an annoyed look thrown his way by Daisy. "I have the right to bear arms, Steven."

"Look, I'm sorry-"

"Save the conversation for another day." Daisy snapped and continued walking.

With that, she followed after Nancy, repositioning her axe in case it still wasn't safe around the rest of the house. No noises could be heard around them not even the low growling from when the creature landed inside the house, it was just pure and utter silence.

A terrible and fearful silence at that but still no signs of the exact thing they were trying to kill. Daisy turned to Steve when she heard him muttering incoherent nonsense, turning to look at Nancy with a tired expression.

"This is crazy. This is crazy. This is crazy." Steve repeated, moving his arms around wildly. "This is crazy! This is crazy! This is crazy!" He reached over to the phone on the wall, immediately dialing someone before getting the phone yanked away from his grasp in a second. "What are you do.. what are you doing? Are you insane?"

"You can't bring anyone here, Steve!" Daisy argued, kicking the phone away from her.

"It's going to come back!" Nancy yelled at him. "So you need to leave. Right now."

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