XXVIII. Dart On the Loose

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She had practically been forced to join them to go show Mr. Clarke Dustin's discovery. A yawn was on the verge of escaping her lips but she held it in, waiting patiently for Dustin to begin his explanation.

"This is the reason I was late for class," He began with a smile and plopped down his box on Mr. Clarke's table.

"Pretty neat. These doors function?"

Dustin nodded. "Well, yeah. But it's not about the trap. It's what's inside."

"It will rock your world," Erin said, enthusiastically backing up Dustin in order for him to cut right to the chase. "Right?"

"Absolutely correct. Now, this very well may change your perception of the world." Dustin spoke carefully. Mr. Clarke was beginning to look interested — he always did when it came to the party.

"Consider my interest piqued."

"All right, first, let's just clarify that... this is my discovery, not yours." The three other kids rolled their eyes.

"Dustin, Jesus! Just show him!" Lucas snapped, throwing his arms up in the air as he spoke.

"I'm just trying to clarify—"

"Dustin!" Max interrupted. His second strike by far and it was only ten minutes in.

The boy nodded and sighed. "Okay, fine."

Mike and Will busted in through the door, clearly out of breath as if they had been running to get in here before anything could happen.

"Stop!" Mike yelled. He yanked the box off of the desk and clutched it tightly to his chest, saying, "I'm really sorry, Mr. Clarke. It was just a stupid prank."

"What are you doing?"

"I told him to stop. We need to go." Mike's words clashed together quickly. He was panting furiously but that didn't stop him from continuing. "Right now!"

"Mike, what the hell.." Erin muttered under her breath, jumping when he screamed at them. His words finally got to the rest of the teens because in an instant they sprinted after Mike.

Erin and Max were left out or more like locked out, because the second they got into the AV Club the boys made sure that both of the girls didn't get in. Not even the one that had known them for years.

She knew how Max felt for the first time considering they truly didn't know anything that was going on. It was odd to have a weird, slimy creature that looked like it belonged in a Star Wars movie to be shown to you, but questioning either of the boys would lead them nowhere.

Even banging on the door wasn't helping their case a single bit.

"They're not gonna let us in," Erin sighed with distaste. She was sitting on the floor, staring intently at the wall in front of her.

Max looked down at Erin with squinted eyes. She couldn't tell what kind of tone Erin had or how she was feeling at this moment besides the obvious annoyance in her features.

"They already showed us Dart, what else could be so important?" Max scoffed, sliding down the wall and onto the floor.

Erin turned to face Max with a downturned smile. "Your guess is as good as mine-" The door was opened suddenly and an arm reached out to pull Erin in quickly, leaving the redhead alone outside.

A loud grunt was heard from Erin before the door shut again, Mike quickly locked it once more as he waited for Erin to stand up.

"I expect an apology for how you handled me." She frowned.

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