XVII. December Lover

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Daisy didn't have to wake up with the fear that something new might arise that they would have to defeat or go against. All she wanted to do was enjoy her Christmas break with her family and her cousins coming over was just exactly the breath of fresh air that she needed at a time like this.

Erin was around Mike's age and June was seven months younger than Daisy. It was more like the four girls were all sisters but it wasn't like that between their mothers. There was an immense difference between Laura and Victoria and part of it was because they didn't look all that alike. They weren't like their daughters that could be easily identified as being related to each other, but it was a whole other story for the mothers.

Laura had always been known as the pretty one while Victoria was titled something below that. It was a twisted way that they described Victoria although it didn't matter to her, not as much as it mattered to Laura how people perceived her and their family. The kitchen was quiet besides the ongoing conversation between Victoria and Christopher while Laura pretended to still add ingredients to the pot of food that had finished boiling over fifteen minutes ago.

The chatter in Daisy's room was loud and that made the mood more lively as there seemed to be no arguments going on between the cousins.

"Don't just give me five pieces of popcorn," Erin complained and grabbed a handful, the food soon falling out of her grasp by June's hand slapping it. "June!"

Erin frowned, looking over the edge of the bed where the popcorn was littered. June and Frances were having a sugar rush and even Daisy mentioned how they looked like little kids despite their big age. Daisy reached into the red plastic bowl that contained the popcorn and shook some into Erin's bowl.

June tried to catch her breath. "I'm sorry!" She blurted out in coughs and continued laughing. Erin cracked a smile at their state, glancing towards Daisy who was trying to finish wrapping up the gift for Nancy.

Daisy shook her head playfully, saying, "You guys are druggies," She stood up, balancing the gift on her hip while she pointed a finger at the hysterical pair. "Druggies I say!"

"Have some Swedish fish!" Frances offered and searched wildly through the mountain of candy in the bed. "Wait, don't leave yet. It's somewhere around here."

Frances continued her search as June tried to catch her breath, Erin had a happy smile on her face, and Daisy stood there like a teacher waiting on her class to stop talking at such a high volume. The so-called Swedish Fish was finally found.. except it was an empty packet.

"Maybe I'll die from starvation," Daisy quipped and let out a yelp when she was dragged back onto the bed by the three girls. "No, no! Stop! I need to get going."

"How can we be so sure that gift isn't a cover-up for some free time with Joshua? Hm?"

Daisy rolled her eyes and lifted herself with a grunt. "I'll be off now to go suck his face off."

She dusted off her red velvet button-up skirt. It was a simple outfit she had on that was paired with sheer black tights and a white v-neck sweater.

"Don't forget the movie!" June shouted after Daisy had left the room.

"Okay!" Daisy answered and hurried out to the kitchen where her parents and aunt were seated. It wasn't a surprise when her grandparents weren't here yet, they always took their time coming for the holidays.

Laura smiled upon seeing her daughter — the two of them looking as if they could be twin sisters. "He's here?"

"He's never late," Daisy answered and gave her gave a side hug.

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