XXVI. Miss Oblivious

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Chin planted right on her palm and her elbow was beginning to hurt from being on her hardcover science textbook.

Samantha had been acting odd ever since their first period began and so on but Erin couldn't figure out why. It wasn't like she was the best at communicating with others about problems — it would just end with her backing out at the last second.

"The case of Phineas Gage is one of the great medical curiosities of all time." Mr. Clarke informed the class, the projector pointing to the whiteboard. "Phineas was a railroad worker in 1848 who had a nightmarish accident. A large iron rod was driven completely through his head."

Erin winced quietly and ignored how Mike turned to her with furrowed eyebrows and his usual judgmental look. She didn't care — not when she was so interested in the lesson of the day. Maybe it was a way to distract her from Samantha's abrupt mood change but her attention was quickly sucked into the story that Mr. Clarke spoke about.

"Phineas miraculously survived. He seemed fine. And physically, yes, he was. But his injury resulted in a complete change in his personality. So much so that friends that knew him started referring to him as 'No longer Gage.'" Not a single person dared to interrupt but a small screech of Erin's chair made eyes move to her. "At this time, this was known as the American Crowbar Case. Although it wasn't a-"

Rather, what interrupted Mr. Clark was the door swinging open. Dustin rushed in, panting and spewing apologies out of his mouth. "I am so sorry, Mr. Clarke. Really, I'm so sorry. Please continue with the class." The party stared at him with confused looks. "Don't mind me. Continue, please."

Lucas and Erin shared a glance, and both of the teens slowly turned back to stare at Dustin.

"Although it wasn't a crowbar, it was a rod, as I said." Mr. Clarke continued. A covered yawn could be heard from near the back of the class and Erin could see out of the corner of her eye how Samantha attempted to cover her yawn up.

"We have to meet. All of us. At lunch, AV Club." Dustin whispered to the three boys — only them. His voice was quieter than when they included Erin in the conversation but it was obvious she wasn't wanted this time.

And Erin had to hide how much it hurt her, leaning more forward to act as if she was still indulging in the topic during class. Her foot tapped lightly on the floor, teeth pulling at the dead skin on her lips. A kick to her calf had her grunting softly and looking to the culprit beside her.

"AV Club during lunch, okay?" Lucas said, sharing an unsure look with Mike. The Wheeler boy gave a tight-lipped smile that was more than forced.

He didn't want her there.

She blinked and finally nodded, gulping and facing Mr. Clarke who now had his eyes set on Dustin.


The boy quickly turned around. "Yes, my lord?"

"Would you care to join the class now?" Mr. Clarke asked.

"Please, yes," Dustin said and reached down into his backpack.

"The case of Phineas Gage,"

The class kept their eyes on Dustin and watched him pull out his book as Mr. Clarke waited patiently for him to get prepared. Erin finally moved her arm and stretched it out, rubbing it softly and repositioning how she was sitting.

Sure she felt a little less left out now but Erin understood that she hadn't always been here and it was obvious that they had been through a lot in the past months.

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