IX. The Creature In The Forest

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She kept looking and looking even if it seemed as if she and Jonathan had just reached a dead end with every attempt to find Nancy.

"Nancy!" Daisy's voice broke, going up a pitch as she did a full 360. No trace of Nancy is to be found yet besides her bag and bat.

"Nancy!" Jonathan panted. "How could she have just disappeared?"

"This isn't a fucking coincidence, Jonathan!" Daisy exclaimed, a tear falling fast down her cheek and staining it. "Nancy! Yell out to us! Please!"

"Come on, come on," Jonathan whispered in a frenzy. "Nancy!"

"Nance, please!" Daisy yelled louder this time.

Her throat was beginning to hurt and this time it was yelling at her for the smallest bit of water if she wanted to continue her yelling, but Daisy merely ignored its commands and continued with her searching.

"Where are you?"

"Nancy!" Daisy and Jonathan both screamed.

There was no sight of Nancy anywhere but they refused to give up and held on tight with every single bit of their soul despite the dead ends that were leading them nowhere.

"Did you hear that?" Daisy said frantically. "Nancy! Nancy, yell out again— please!"

There was a faint yell but Daisy could distinguish that it was Nancy's voice loud and clear.

"Jonathan!" It felt closer this time.

"I'm right here! Nancy!"

"Oh, my God," Daisy muttered, gulping before preparing to use her voice again. "Nancy! We're coming!"


That was enough to push the two teens forward despite their fear for their friend.

"Just — just follow my voice!" Jonathan instructed. "Come on, follow my voice, Nancy, we're right here!"

"Where the hell is she?" Daisy whispered to herself.

She was waiting for another gasp or even a small yell of their names to give them a stronger clue of her whereabouts in this deep and huge forest.

A panicked yell was what was heard next from Nancy, the two of them sprinting immediately to the sound of the voice.

Daisy panted and stopped in front of a tree trunk with a weird stringy texture blocking the inside of it.

Her bag fell limply to the floor, and inching towards it with an impulsiveness to just reach out and see if Nancy was right there, right in front of them so they could run their asses back home.

"Wait," Jonathan stopped her, using his flashlight to light up the space more. "I'll check."

"This could be where she's at," Daisy said, her hand falling on his forearm, receiving a nod that he was understanding what she meant.

"Nancy! Follow my voice!" He yelled closer to it, trying to see if there would be yet another response thrown their way. "Nancy?"

Both of them neared it with Jonathan attempting to put a protective arm in front of Daisy. She pushed it down for the third time and leaned more forward, gasping and falling backward when a hand stuck out.

"Jonathan!" Nancy yelled and it was then that they noticed her jacket.

"Nancy!" He yelled and grabbed her arm, struggling to which Daisy stepped in next to him.

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