Making New Memories

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Your Pov:

Iris, Dahlia, and I got back to Hazakura Temple 30 minutes later. I joined Sister Bikini in the kitchen as Iris and Dahlia resumed their training. I stood at the stove, stirring a pot of mashed potatoes. I was still thinking about Kristoph and Apollo.

But I pushed the thought out of my mind and put the meat in it's skillet. It sizzled and crackled from the heat. Sister Bikini spoke from her spot at the counter. "It's been so long since we've had a wedding here. I think the last one was Mystic Misty's." I smiled. "This is a lovely place. I'm sure another wedding will happen." She nodded. "Oh ho ho ho, yes. Hopefully it will be soon."

She was acting strange, but I shrugged it off. Soon enough, dinner was ready and Sister Bikini went to get Iris and Dahlia. Just then, Apollo and Kristoph entered the temple, looking normal and calm. I smiled at them as I sat everything on the table. "Welcome back. Sister Bikini just went to get Iris and Dahlia. They should be back soon."

Soon enough, the other three returned and dinner began. We all ate and talked, enjoying our time together. Dahlia and Kristoph even cracked some genuine smiles. Apollo was getting embarrassed by Sister Bikini.

In my mind, this was all I ever wanted. My soulmates were happy, both with me and with each other. We all had bonded and gotten closer to each other. And we loved each other.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by Kristoph's voice. "If you don't mind sister, there's something we need to ask (Y/n) and Dahlia." I looked at Dahlia and she shrugged. Sister Bikini nodded. "Oh, of course! You go right ahead." Apollo smiled. "Thank you, sister." The two got up from their seats and stood in front of us.

Apollo spoke first. "I feel like we've known each other forever and, the thing is, I never want to feel that way with anyone else." Kristoph continued. "We want you to be only ours, as we are only yours. We want to love and cherish you. So..."

They both knelt down on one knee.

"Will you marry us?"

I looked at Dahlia and she was in as much shock as I was. Then, she slowly nodded. "Yes." I smiled widely. "Yes!" Iris and Sister Bikini cheered. Kristoph and Apollo opened the small boxes they held. The rings inside were all matching, but they were beautiful.

They slipped them onto our ring fingers and put on their own. Sister Bikini looked at us. "How exciting! Another wedding! A winter wedding!" Iris smiled. "We have to shop for dresses and plan the wedding."

I spoke up. "Oh, um, I don't know if we have a big enough budget..." Kristoph shook his head. "Don't worry my dear. I will provide only the best for you two." Apollo nodded. "We want you both to have your dream wedding."

Dahlia kissed Apollo's cheek. "Well then, let's get planning." Sister Bikini smiled. "I know the perfect dress shop! Iris can take you!"

And with that, Dahlia and I were whisked away to a long day of shopping, leaving Kristoph and Apollo with Sister Bikini to think about decorations for the wedding.

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