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Your Pov:

I woke up a few hours later, the smell of something delicious filling the air. I got out of bed and followed the smell to a kitchen. I saw Iris chopping some vegetable and surprisingly, Dahlia stood at the stove cooking something.

She seemed happier than she was on the way up here.

I spoke, "It smells delicious guys. Need any help?" Iris smiled, "Oh, yes. Could you watch the meat and make sure that it doesn't burn?" I nodded and moved over to the stockpot, using a cloth to lift the lid. The meat was cooking and starting to get tender. Cooking continued on uneventfully.

Dinner that evening was roasted chicken with mashed potatoes, mixed vegetables, and bread rolls. It was very good. Sister Bikini cleaned up while Iris took Dahlia and I to the inner temple. We crossed a rickety bridge over a river before getting to the temple. It was a rustic but beautiful looking place.

Inside the temple was a cavern blocked by a barred door. It was cold and lit up by a lantern hanging on the ceiling. Iris shuffled around in a dresser by the wall before pulling out an outfit like her own. She held it out to Dahlia, "Your training outfit. I hope it still fits." She continued, "After you get ready, we can start your training."

I tilted my head, "Training?" Iris nodded, "The women in our family are born with ESP. Or, in lack of a better word, born psychic mediums. They can channel spirits if their power is strong enough. The two of us have very little, but Dahlia likes to train in hopes of getting stronger."

(She's training to pretty much spite her mother for abandoning them.)

I hmm'd, "Oh. Should I head back to the main temple so you can start?" Iris smiled, "We start after ringing the lights out bell at 10:00. It's about 9:30, so I'll accompany you back since I have to ring the bell anyways." I looked at Dahlia, "I'll see you in the morning." She nodded, "Alright."

Iris and I walked back to the main temple in comfortable silence. Once we got there, I greeted Sister Bikini and headed back to my room. I got into some night clothes and slipped into bed. I played on my phone for a bit before rolling over and falling asleep. As I did though, a bad feeling made its way into my stomach.

Just as I fell asleep, I heard the bell...

Then, nothing.

The Next Morning...

I awoke to the sound of sirens and voices. I quickly sat up and got dressed before rushing out the door. In the main hall, Sister Bikini stood, watching officers come in and out. I approached her, "Sister Bikini, what happened?" She turned to me, "T-There's been a murder!" My eyes widened, "What?! When?"

She looked down, "Late last night, I was headed to the inner temple to help with the training. As I got to Dusky Bridge, I heard a scream from the inner temple. I rushed across the bridge and into the temple. Inside, Iris was on the floor passed out, but Dahlia was found unconscious in the back of the sacred cavern with blood on her hands and face."

(I'm making up the murder as I go.)

She continued, "In the temple garden, the police found a body. It was an older woman. When Iris and Dahlia woke up, they were immediately questioned. Dahlia was arrested. The police asked Iris and I if we knew who the victim was, but neither of us had ever seen her before."

I bit my lip, "Where's Iris?" She gestured towards the hall, "Resting in her room." I nodded, "Thank you, Sister." I turned and headed down the hall to Iris's room.

I needed to know what happened...

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