Big Surprises

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Your Pov:

We all made it to the main hall, where a feast prepared by Sister Bikini and Iris was waiting. Some calming music was playing throughout the room. We all sat down and started to dine. Small talk was made as we discussed our plans for the future.

The meal was delicious and soon after, we cut into the cake that Iris had made. It was perfectly sweet and tasty. Iris poured some champagne and handed out the glasses. As she got to me, I shook my head. "No thanks." She gave me glance before going over to Sister Bikini.

I watched as the others conversed and sipped from their wine. I had hoped that my news wouldn't cause any problems. While everyone was distracted, I went to my room in the temple and grabbed my present. I took a deep breath as I went back to the main hall.

Once inside, I went over to everyone. "Um, I have an announcement to make. And this is for you three. Open it."

The three of them looked at me and I could see Iris and Sister Bikini smiling. They opened the box and gasps rang out in the room.

Apollo spoke first

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Apollo spoke first. "Y-You're pregnant...?" I nodded. "Yes. I'm pregnant." Sister Bikini and Iris cheered. Kristoph spoke next. "This is wonderful news." Dahlia nodded. "I'm sure they'll be beautiful, just like you." Iris looked at Dahlia. "If the baby's a girl, she could end up with spiritual power." Dahlia smiled. "Well, she can always train here with you."

As they spoke, I left the room again to make a call. I dialed up Phoenix's number and he answered after a few rings. "(Y/n)? What's up?" I smiled. "We're having the reception right now. I told them the news and...they took it well. They're excited actually." He chuckled. "That's good. I'm happy for you." He paused. "But where are you going to live? Your apartment isn't big enough for a baby."

I sighed. "Actually, I was going to ask Sister Bikini if we could raise our baby here. The drive down to the city isn't very far and it's absolutely beautiful up here." He hummed. "It's not a bad idea actually. But I'll let you get back to your little party. Bye." I smiled. "Bye, Phoenix." I put my phone away and went back to the main hall, where everyone was still happily talking with one another.

And so, we spent the rest of the evening talking about the baby and planning for the future. Everything was finally perfect and at peace. We would have a beautiful home and the family to complete it. And when our baby arrived, I knew that they would be loved and cared for. And we would all be brought closer together.

I was content with this. I had my soulmates and they had me. We were truly in love and we had our dream wedding with people we considered family.

This was a happy ending.

That's Just the Way of the World (Ace Attorney x reader)Where stories live. Discover now