Fight or Flight

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Your Pov:

We headed back into the courtroom, nervous yet confident. The witness had returned to the stand, looking very anxious. The judge banged his gavel, "This trial will now resume. Witness, please continue your testimony." The witness nodded, "Y-Yes, your honor..." He paused.

"I saw Angela in the evening on the day she was murdered. I saw her in the archives when I was there on personal business. She was nervous, constantly looking at her surroundings. Once she noticed me, she disappeared and I didn't hear from her again until she called me later that night..."

I looked at Apollo, who was thinking the same thing I was. It's too coincidental that we found the note in the archive where the victim was last seen. He had to of known that she was hiding something there. He has no other reason to be at the archive.

The cross examination began. Apollo spoke, "You say evening, but do you remember the exact time you saw the victim?" The witness nodded, "I'd say it was 7:30-8:00." Connecting the times, it was clear that there was a huge blank time space between what he saw and the murder. It only takes two hours to get to the temples. The time of death was 10:30-11:00 which would've left the killer an hour to an hour and a half to commit the murder. But how did they leave?

No one was caught at any checkpoints the police set up and the entirety of both temples were checked.


Apollo continued, "You said you though she was being followed, correct? Do you know of anyone who might've had ill will towards the victim?" The witness shook his head, "No. I don't know who would want to hurt Angela." Apollo seemed to pick up on something though. He spoke, "Witness, whenever you mention 'ill will', you aggressively rub your neck."

He continued, "And that spot looks scarred, as if you'd been scratched...Care to explain?" The witness flinched, "I-I..." The prosecutor cut him off, "The scar is irrelevant...unless you have proof, boy?" I bit my lip. We had no definitive proof that the scar was connected to the murder. And the autopsy didn't note if the victim had anything stuck under her nails.

Apollo stuttered, "W-Well I...No. I don't." The judge shook his head, "Such actions are unbecoming of you, Mr. Justice. I expect better of you." Apollo sighed, "Yes, your honor." I watched in frustration as the prosecutor's smirk grew wider. When the attention shifted back on the witness, I whispered to Apollo.

"What do we do now? None of our evidence will work right now and Kristoph is taking too long!"

He whispered back, "I...don't know. But Dahlia's innocent. I know it. We just have to keep trying."

Suddenly, the courtroom went silent. Everyone had their attention on the front of the room where the witness stand was. A voice echoed around the room, sending shivers down my spine and a smile to my face.

"If I may your honor, I'm here to drop off some evidence for the defense."

That's Just the Way of the World (Ace Attorney x reader)Where stories live. Discover now