Timely Testimony

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Your Pov:

The judge blinked, "Oh, Mr. Gavin! It has been some time. You may give the defense this new evidence." He nodded, "Thank you, your honor." He approached the two of us at the bench and stopped next to me. He handed me the mask in an evidence bag, a report, and a note with a photo clipped to it. He whispered to me, "This is all you'll need until your witness arrives. Now, get to it." I nodded and he turned away, taking a seat in the gallery.

What witness was he talking about?

I looked at the report.

Blood Analysis

Blood Positive: Yes
Blood Type: AB+
Blood Amount: 1/4th pint

Additional Notes:

Blood and skin cells were found on the strings of the mask and under the victim's fingernails. Traces of disinfectant were found on said mask and luminol testing revealed large blood stains on the front.

I handed the report to Apollo and read the note. It was a personal report on someone.

Name: Candice Wells
Birthdate: xx/xx/xxxx
Blood type: O+
Family: Twin sister (Angela Wells)
Whereabouts: Unknown

Additional Notes:

Candice Wells disappeared shortly after her sister, Angela Wells, became engaged to Blanc Damon. It is believed that Candice left by her own will and no foul play was involved.

I also passed that to Apollo. He read it and looked at me, "I think I understand now." I tilted my head, "Understand what?" He gestured to the report on the victim's sister, "I don't think the victim is Angela Wells." I looked at him, "Kristoph said he has a witness for us. Do you think...?" He nodded, "It has to be."

Apollo looked at the judge, "Your honor! The defense wishes to call a new witness!" The prosecutor started coughing as he choked on his coffee. Even the witness on the stand was sweating bullets. The judge spoke, "Oh, who?" Apollo looked up.

"The victim's sister, Candice Wells."

The judge nodded, "I see. Request granted." The prosecutor rose a brow, "Playing dirty, huh? Alright. Show me what you've got, boy." The door opened and a woman identical to the victim took the stand. The prosecutor spoke, "Your name and profession?" The woman looked up.

"C-Candice Wells. Housewife."

Apollo looked at her, "Witness, we request you testify about your sister and her attitude before her murder." The witness nodded, "Alright." She started her testimony.

"My sister was a kind, gentle soul. Well...before she met her fiance. Once they got engaged, she became timid and quiet. Often times she would have bruises on her face or arms. But she always smiled and said she was fine. Her fiance, Blanc, never let her out of his sight if other people were around. It was like she was trapped..."

Things were starting to make sense now. I understood everything. Apollo started his cross examination. In the middle of it, he paused, "Ms. Wells, you said your sister often had bruises, correct? I noticed that you tend to grip a certain part of your arm when you say that..." He looked towards the judge, "Your Honor, the defense requests that the witness rolls up her sleeves." The judge hmm'd.

"I don't understand your logic, but I will allow it." He looked at the woman, "Witness?"

She shook as she rolled her sleeves up. Dark purple, red, and black bruises decorated her arms. Her eyes looked glossy. Apollo crossed his arms, "The truth has been laid bare."

He pointed to her, "This woman is not Candice Wells!" The prosecutor chuckled, "Then just who is she? Come on, do your worst!" Apollo presented the report to everyone.

"This woman is in fact Angela Wells!"

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