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Off's POV:

Four days have passed and I didn't approached Gun. I just kept on watching him.

Today, we just finished checking the island again.

We were back after sneaking all the things we needed for the proposal. It's kind of thrilling because we need to be careful not to get caught.

I glanced where Gun and his friends were. They were quite far from us who were sitting on the shore.

We formed a circle waiting for the food to be cooked.

My friends were talking to each other.

"What are you nervous about? You know Krist will say yes even if you prepare a simple proposal. Even if you just kneel and propose, he will absolutely say yes."

I looked at them when I heard what Arm said. I stared at Singto who's smiling nervously.

"You're nervous?" I asked.

"I don't know. I'm nervous but excited at the same time. You know I've been thinking of doing this for years but I keep on worrying about him." He replied.

"About what?" Tay asked.

"People judging me is nothing. But I'm worrying about the people who'll criticize him. His fans who'll hate him. He's a public figure. Even if society were slowly accepting us, I cannot help but to worry about those who won't."

We couldn't answer him.

I remember what Gun said to me before. About the people criticizing him for being a gay.

Just thinking about it hurts me. He might even received more hate than I thought since he's the only child of a famous business man and people who knew their family were expecting him to inherit their business.

Him being gay is one thing but not wanting to inherit the business is like throwing a gasoline in the fire.

How hurt must he have been.

"But your relationship is known public." Arm said after the silence. Singto nodded.

"Yeah and a lot of people accepted and respected it. You see, If he lost something or someone because he chose his happiness, the thing he lost was the thing he do not need." Tay added.

"I know. And I'm willing to fight for him. That's why I'm here. Getting excited to propose, hear his answer and get married to him." Singto answered with a genuine smile as he looked at Krist who were laughing with his friends.

I also looked at them. Gun were pointing at Yanna who's mouth is full of barbecue that she couldn't talk.

Jane rushing to get her water to drink.

"We were also planning on adopting a child. Form a family." I heard Singto said.

He sounds contented by his plan. And Krist were always part of it.


I looked at Gun who's wiping Yanna's lips after she spit the barbecue she couldn't swallow. Smiling while he said something I couldn't hear.

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