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It's been 3 days and Gun is still unconcious. Since that day Off completely changed. He's not doing his work right. He's always zoning out.

Off woke up and Gun wasn't there, in his side. Off sigh and did his morning routine without energy. He doesn't know how to tie his necktie properly as Gun was the one who's doing it. He threw it away and decided to not wear it.

He goes down stair and walked inside the kitchen, Gun wasn't there. Off looked around. He's alone. The house is quite. At this time Off will see Gun smiling big towards him while he asked him to wait because the breakfast is almost done. This time Gun will run towards him and fixed his tie happily.

Off sat down and let the tears fell from his eyes. The house feel empty without Gun. Off feel something is missing without Gun. Off place his hands on his face as he sobbed. He doesn't have an energy to work. He doesn't feel like doing anything.

Off wipes his tears when he calmed down and he stood. Decided to go to Gun and see him. He need to see his husband. He need to be with him. He don't deserve to just stay here. He was the reason why Gun is unconcious. He was the reason why Gun isn't with him right now. And he doesn't know if Gun will stay with him now. He will be miserable if Gun will leave him now.

He opened the door but stilled when he saw his friends. Tay and Arm. Singto wasn't with them. He's not talking to them since that day and they all understand him. It was not their intension to make him feel like that.

"Where are you going?" Arm asked.

"I- I'm going to Gun" he answered and passed by them but Arm hold his wrist and stopped him.

"You can't go there now. His friends are there" Arm said but Off aggresively pulled his arm back. He glared at them.

"Why can't I? I am his husband. Why the fuck can't I go and see him?!" Off shouted. Arm sigh and hold his wrist again but Off pulled his hand away from them.

"Calm down, Off. You know New still don't want to see you there. He's still mad" Arm explained.

"I don't care. I am going there for Gun not for him!"

"Off, please calm down-"

"Don't even try to stop me-"

"Off, stop! Can't you see? They don't want to see the reason why Gun is there! They don't want to see the person who hurt Gun!" Off went silent when Tay shouted at him. He stilled and tears fell from his eyes again. Tay gulped, he doesn't want to hurt his friend. But he need to know the truth. He's been feeling guilty all this days.

They all goes inside. Arm supported Off. Off sat down on the couch where Gun is always waiting for him.

"I want to see him" Off said, looking down. "I need to be with him"

"You can but you need to wait" Arm comforted him. Tay was just sitting there silently, looking sharply at Off. Their life is a mess now.

New already know that Tay knows about Off's affair and he also got mad at Tay. He pushed him away, shouted at him and said he doesn't want to see him ever again. It aches him. The person you love pushing you away when you don't even got a chance to bring your relationship closer than friends.

He felt guilty. He feels like it is his fault that Off cheated where in fact he tried everything to stop their relationship. He was feeling guilty and sad because the last thing Gun said was he hates him. And blaming himself is not enough and started to blame Off. He blamed Off, the reason why he's in this situation.

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