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 Y/n pov

My vision started to fade, as my struggles began to slow down. Losing their strength.

Tears threatened to fall, as I lost consciousness.


 Urgh.. where am I..?

It's so..cold

I opened my eyes And got up. It was pitch black only  a blue torch in front of me. I walked towards it with my hand stretched out to grab it.But insted my hand took grab of a bar multiple bars. Then it hit me, I'm in a cell.

I sat back down closest to the light as I could get.

Ok let's reflect, I need to remember what exactly happened.

My name is y/n L/n
I went to school and then heard a noise. I went to investigate and saw 2 figures Nightmare and killer, the character who I thought were fiction. They attacked me and I let slip I knew their names. Now I'm locked in a dungeon.

I exhaled from my mouth, trying to calm down.

Ok, I can get out of here. I know I can. I checked my pockets all I have was my phone and a bit of change.
I swiped open my phone which was now cracked.


I remember the day we met, like it was yesterday.
We met in 2015 when Undertale was first released.
We bonded after figuring out we had similar interests.
Their name was F/n.
A kind person really. I was best friends with them, we spent hour talking about everything Undertale realated.
That was, until my family moved. I had gotten their number right before they left.

*Flashback end*

I could try to contact f/n, but it's been so long since we spoke. But who else would believe me?
I was getting desperate. And clicked on their profile, pressing the the phone icon.

It rang

And rang

"Hello? Y/n? Is that you? It's been so long, how are you?"

I jumped in to action immediately explaining  "F/n! Listen I know your going to find this hard to believe. But I think I was kidnapped!"

"Why are you calling me then!? Call the cops y/n!"

I started to breathe heavy.

"They.. they can't help! I was kidnapped by killer and Nightmare!"

"Y/n, if this is a joke it's not funny."

"I swear it's not!" Panic lacing each word.

I heard a door open, shit! If they find out I have a phone, it will be gone so fast! I have to hurry!

"Listen this isnt a joke please get anyone! Dream! Find a way to contact him! Pleas-"

I dropped the phone as a bone went right through it, splitting it in half.

"Tsk tsk tsk, alone for 2 hours and already trying to get out?"

I started to breathe heavy.

"What do you want.!"

*killer noticed your slight fear*

"Calm down, I'm not here to hurt ya! I'm not aloud to"

I stepped backwards. Hitting my back off the concrete wall.

"So, ya know about Dream as well?~ Aren't you a great find?"  He paused before continuing"
"Listen, if ya cooperate. Things will be easier for both of us."

I wasn't buying it, killer is known to have no remorse to others. There's no way in hell he feels bad for me. But I had to thread my words carefully.

"I know your game, and I know your lying...."

His expression went from a cocky smile to a frown.

"Heh, your smarter than ya look kid. If your not going to cooperate, I'll just have to leave ya here."

Most kids my age would be scared at this threat. I knew better, if there was any threat it would be to harm me. And that even wouldn't be much of a threat, after all, I'm not that useful dead.

I turned my head away, "No, you dont deserve my cooperation.....murder" I glared bullets at him.

He tilted his head, amused and  reading my expression. After he was done he knew I was dead serious.

"Fine, don't rot away in here!"
He snickered lightly and he slammed what I assumed was the prison door.

Oh f/n..  please hurry. I'm scared. Their all more powerful than me. I'm not even think right. I glanced at the broken phone. And tears started to fall.

*Someone heard your crys*

"Huh? Is that kid nightmare brought back cryin?


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