True ending rewritten

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So, welcome back dear reader. If you don't read my other stories then this might be a surprise. On occasion for 10k reads I've decided to rewrite the true ending for Home. Since it was kinda rushed in the first place. What can I say? I'm always bad at writing fright scenes anyway-

I can't thank you all enough for the support and comments. I could have never imagined that this story would go this far.

But with all that out off the way here's the true ending rewritten for all of you.


Y/n pov:

A million thoughts rushed through my head was I really going to kill my best friend? All for this?

It's all I've ever wanted. To live in a world where monsters,magic, and conflict exist like this. But am I willing  to finish off the only person  left from my world besides me?

Yes. I'm sure this is what I want. I'm tired of being a sitting duck all my life, finally I have got this and I'm.never. letting. It. Go.

I raised the blade and swung at my friend who  now is no one but a stranger to me.


what the..?

A barrier...?

Wait, A barrier.

Fuckin Bastard.  I screamed out and constantly slashed at the barrier Dream had put up in front of F/n.

I was panting and sweating add only managed to leave a few scratches on the barrier.

Just let me kill them. Their in my way. They wouldn't come after me like this, they knkw I've always wanted this.

Just get out of my way.


Eh? I felt a cold hand on my shoulder. Nightmare.

He slightly went down and whispered to me.

"Leave it. Lets go back home"

4 Years later.




"Come on Y/n,your stronger than that aren't cha?"

I growled under my breath as Killer teased me, as he dodged with little to no effort. Turns out when we first fought he was going easy on me.

Which is fair enough.

I didn't really need that much of a education to become a murderer  so according to Nightmare is was okay as long as I knew the basics.  Like taxes and shit.

On days like this one I'm often training for hours on end. As Killer practically harpoons me with insults on my skills.. other than that he's not a bad teacher. Kinda like those teacher who show you what to do it first and when you know how, they throw you to the wolves.

Horror is not as scary as I thought, he's more of a nervous, traumatized wreck then anything. But he can be a bit scary sometimes. He's trying, aren't we all.

Dust and I still don't chat much,  but he sometimes on lucky days, plays cards with me. And often his room is a hiding place for me when I want to skip training. Although the price is a lecture of why I shouldn't skip. Often ending with "If your going to beat them  then you need to try harder."
Annoying much?

I don't see Error that much, considering he hates us all. And almost everything-
Although the times he is here he'll say hello back and respond slightly when I make small talk. Other than that he keeps to himself.


As for F/n. I don't really know what happened to them, as far as I'm told from the others their with Dream or ink most of the time. Learning more about the multiverse..we haven't seen eachother since that day. And if I'm being honest, I'm scared too see them again. Because I know that we will have to fight again. This time with no one protecting them.

Nothertheless I'm home. My new home.

"Heya kid, ya still awake?:

I snapped back, shit right I'm in battle-

I corrected my footwork and deflected flying bones from hitting me and ran towards killer.

However the fake hit I did, it caught on

Slashing my blade towards his chest as he dodged with ease.  As the blade was coming down on him I ducked a tripped him.

But he caught onto the fake hit quickly and his knee went into my nose, breaking it-

"Your such an asshole.."

"Eh, I didn't do anything but defend myself."

I groaned as we both walked towards the inferminery. For the love of whatever God please don't let us run into-

"Why are you bleeding?"


"I uh.."   I sighed its pointless lying to guy like Nightmare he can practically see through anyone's lies.

"Killer broke my nose. Agh!-"

I felt a smack on the back of my head. Ouch! What the fack!?


I laughed as I made my way back to my room which was now officially mine. Hence the now name tag on my door.

It was filled with almost anything I wanted. Including a new phone I had received last year. So yes I was without a phone for 2 years. After Killer destroyed the one I bought while training.


He definitely did it on purpose too.

I let out a laugh mixed with a sigh as I flopped into my soft bed.

I love my bed♡

I truly believe this is where I belong. And nothing will change that....


Froggie here

again, I can't thank you all enough for all you guys have done for me and this has really made my month special.  I seriously love you guys alot.


Oh by the way you should check out my other book called "my savors"  I think it's pretty good so far and I'm hoping to have the next part out soon!

Ok bye-

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