QnA choosen

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Hello I'm here again.

Sorry to make you guys wait for another chapter I just want to guys to be able to have some sort of celebration with me as we hit 1k reads last night.

But the QnA was the most voted and I'm now gonna sit here and wait for questions.

I was gonna make this a announcement.
But some I'm my readers don't follow me and it wouldn't be fair for them not to get the chance to participate.

Alright so a couple rules for the QnA

-Don't ask personal questions EX: where do you live?

-I will not be giving spoilers to the next parts as the best stories are the ones you have to figure out.

-any questions of my name,age,country, phone number, will all be denied .

And lastly you can ask the versions of the characters in the book for answers to some things. As well as me, the author.

Anyway since I stayed up realy late last night waiting to hit 1k. )

Alright I'm going to take a longggg nap now.


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