warming up

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Y/n pov:

Where am I? Last thing I can remember is..Nightmare bringing me upstairs...
Which means.. this is his room.

Urgh, my back is killing me.
Maybe.. it's better to just, lay back down. I can't escape if I can't move,  without being in pain.

Everything still hurt.
After much effort I turned my body to the side, sighing..

"Oh, so you're finally awake huh?"

I recognized the voice, it was Nightmare.
I didn't speak. Not because I was being difficult. But because I couldn't.

"Theres no reason to be so tense I already stated I'm not going to harm you."

He started to walk over to my nightstand, laying down a pill. I tilted my head. As if to ask. What is that?
Luckily he answered for me, understanding my question.

"Its pain killers, it should help with the pain in your back."

I nodded and  took the small white a mint pill in my hand taking it with the water he had also laid down. He was right, I was in pain.

He observed me for a minute, then spoke again.

"Can you walk yet?"

"I.. I haven't tried.." I spoke looking away. 

"Hm.. I'll get Aliza to tend to you, if you are feeling any better by the end of the day. Tell Aliza to bring you to the throne room, I'll have a word with you once your feeling up to it."

I was surprised by his KINDNESS . But nodded signalling I understood.

*Nightmare put his hand on your head gently*

"Now, get some rest. Relax, you need it."

He said calmly, and walked out of the room.

Ok, what the hell was that?
Nightmare is known to not have a care for others only seeing them as tools. Maybe he was trying to get me to relax, easier to get information.
I layed back down. I wish I could sleep again. But, I have to stand. Have to get out.

I gritted my teeth, forcing myself to stand. But as soon as I stood, I fell to my knees. "Oww.."


That was Aliza's voice. Right, Nightmare had sent her to help me around.

Aliza must have have seen me drooling at the sight of the chicken noodle soup.
She giggled and walked over, laying the tray next to me.
"Miss/sir y/n-"

"Please you don't need to call me that, just Y/n is fine. Besides you seem to be my age. If not, older."

She was shook by the words before smiling and nodding her head. I asked her to sit down with me, as she sat on my bedside.

"Aliza right? How long have you been here..?"

She was taken aback by the question. Before answering.

"I've been here for around 3 years now.. since I came here when i was turning 11..."

I laid down my soup. She needed this.
I shifted over to her, sitting up.
Wrapping my bruised arms around  her.

*You hug Aliza*

"Its okay, you won't be alone anymore. I'm not afraid of them, I promise to protect you, Aliza."

She started to cry her tears soaking my clothes which by now, I had on now for 2 and a half days now.

Aliza pulled away wiping her tears away.  After a moment of silent crys. I felt bad for her, really bad. The least I could do was to be a older sibling figure to her.
She sniffeld again before looking at me muttering.

"..Thank you.. I really needed this.."

I nodded to her,

"Its no problem really, but uh I kinda need help getting up.."

I looked away in embarrassment. She chuckled, and held my hand helping me get up.
Her hand were rough been through alot of work, but they were gentle at the same time.

*Aliza trusts you more*

Aliza helped me to the bathroom and gave me some clothes

A button up shirt with a collar and a simple pair of Jeans. I thanked her for the clothes, as she left me alone to shower.

I got I'm the shower, the warm water poured on me. I didn't care. I let the water run over my face, I felt calm. I washed my hair and body, honestly I never thought I was this dirty in my whole life.

I stepped out of the shower drying myself off with the gray towel Aliza had given me. I pulled the clothes over myself buttoning up  the white shirt. I picked up the hair dryer, drying my hair.

After I was down I slowly made my way out of the bathroom. Hmm
Should I make the bed? I mean it isnt mine, but he did let me stay.
I sighed beginning to make up the bed, placing the pillows in place.
There we go! 

Aliza's not here anymore.. I could look for her. But going out of this room is risky.
Oh fuck it I'm doing it anyway.
I place my hand on the door knob turning it and peeking out no one was there.
Alright, let's go.

I stepped out of the room closing the black door behind me.
I started walking down the hallway maybe if I just kept walking I could find Aliza?  I kept my head down, thinking to myself whilst walking through the halls.

I bumped into someone. This isn't going to end well is it?
Depending on who it is, will decide if I live.

"Oh~ look at you, up out of bed. Did you have a good rest?"

I was shocked to hear killers voice. Killer can't end me. He his Nightmare's right hand man, so he knows they needs me alive.

"Tsk, get up. I'll take ya to Boss."

Not who I was looking for, but okay!
I followed killer down to what I thought was the throne room.

And there sat.

The king of Negativity himself.

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