school days

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WARNING:  this story will mention some forms of slight emotional harm. And Sexual abuse. Readers be safe.

Please if you are in any danger, contact someone. You are not alone.
With that aside enjoy the story

Third person pov

Daylight cracked through the windows barely. And inside sprawled out on the bed, blankets covering them. Was y/n.

Y/n pov

Uuuurrrggghhh what time is it..?
Oh, well geuss I'm late for school. I should probably get up. I yawned and stretched, getting up out of bed. My room was messy, nothing out of the ordinary. My school uniform was thrown in one of the corners. Yeah no, I'm not wearing that today. I never liked the school uniforms, their to..uncomfortable. I slid on my hoodie and some ripped up jeans. Alright, this is better. Honestly I wish I could burn the school uniforms sometimes.

I put on my shoes and opened my bedroom door. My mother and fathers room were closed, they must not be awake yet. Whatever I won't bother them. I tried my best not to make any noise walking down the stairs.
I grabbed a apple and my book bag. And opened the door.
Now since I missed the bus, i would have to walk. Don't get me wrong I don't  mind walking. It's just, my house is a decent distance away from the school.

So here I am, huh?
Late for school again, ya know. Mother and father used to care about me going to school. They used to wake me up everyday, get me breakfast with fresh cut strawberries. I miss that.

And there it is, the place I call school. The people here over all weren't that bad, just uh not like me. I really enjoyed undertale and all the aus. Where the people here. Hell if you liked that stuff you would be killed. Executed.

I slammed the classroom door open ignoring my teacher yelling at me and sat down. I learned not to care about her bickering.
I opened my text book again began working on yesterday's questions.

Time skip to lunch

Finally the classroom was empty, only me. It was always empty at lunch  because most of my classmates went down to the gym for lunch.  It was dead silence, I could hear everything. The students in the neighboring classroom, the teachers walking down the halls. This had to be, my favorite time during school. I like spending time with myself, I've become quite independent. To the point I only consider myself a friend.

I lyed down swiping my phone open. Typing in my password. Lunch lasted around 45 minutes. So I had time.

What the hell was that..?
Listen I know the class next door is loud but that's a bit far, right? That wasn't a bang that was a full on car crash!, right next door!

Okay I'm figuring out what the was.
I swear I'm going to beat some sense into those kids.....


If I'm not wrong that's Nightmare, one of the bad sanses created by jokublog. Considered the biggest threat in the multiverse. Besides Error.
In the past I had beaten sans from undertale without to much difficulty, in fact I've done it at least 7 times now.
But nightmare was much much much stronger.

There was no way I could beat him. My only option way to run. A body flew out the door way, covered in blood and open wounds. Fresh cuts. I knew there was no saving the person. They had lost to much blood. Far to much.

My heart pounded, fear starting to take over me. I wanted to run. I wanted to hide. I'm so afraid. I dashed back into my classroom trying to calm my breathing.

I managed to calm myself, my main priority was to get out of here. Alright let's think about out surroundings.

I looked around a spotted the window, the only problem is that I would have to jump. And would without doubt break something. It was 2 story's high. I would at least damage my legs, and even if I hadn't gotten hurt. I would be in to much pain to walk. But what other choice did I have? I knew how strong Nightmare was, and if he's there, so killer is most likely there to.

Now killer, I may be able to put up a good fight, the only difference between him and classic was the LV.

I'm not taking my chances though, even if I could hit him it would take forever to kill him.
I did some math in my head to confirm my suspicions.
If I did 7 genocide runs my lv would be around 140. And killers is around 250. So yeah, no way I'm fighting him.

Fuck it, I opened the window quickly. They were going to catch me if I wasnt quick.

My heart turned blue, my body felt heavy. Shit!
And black goop curled up my leg, as I kept trying to get the window open. But it was no use, my body was so heavy and weak, I could barely lift my arms above my head.

"Now, now, where are you heading to?"

Damn, his voice is exactly like what wattpad stories had predicted. It was deep and condescending. I kept silent, either out of fear or in attempt to keep myself safe.
The black goop grabbed my waist tightly. I whimpered a bit, unintentionally. And he chuckled in delight, enjoying the pain he was causing me.

I..I need to get out of here!
A knife came to throat, blood somewhat trailing down my neck. The blade tilted my head up to face the person
"Oh dont be upset, we were just having fun~"

The figure and pitch black eyes black goo seeping down his cheeks. Killer.

I glared at the figure, gritting my teeth.

"Let.. let go of me..!"

"Aww, that's cute. But we can't have
witnesses now, can we?"

I growled, "killer!"
I yelled in anger not realizing I had said his name. Shit, they would know, I knew who they were.

"Hm? Now what's this you know my employees name? I never said it though? So how do you know?"

He sounded surprised but amused. Curious, wanting to know more.
I kept silent leaning back in the coil prison.

"not going to say anything? Haha here you are, life on the line,  and you refuse to say a single word."

I struggled in the tight grip.
"Get.. away from me..!"
He chuckled again
The grip tightened the goop slowly going around my neck.
"Listen, if your going to kill me! Just do it!"

"Dear child if I wanted to kill you I would have done so already, but you seem to know some important information. That your not telling."

He started to tighten the tentacle around my neck. I started gasping for air.
He slightly chuckled

"Why don't you rest for awhile?"

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