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Y/n pov:

I was left alone with Nightmare.

Before I could speak he interrupted me.  Rude.

"Now that you are awake, I shall explain your circumstances. Since all of my subordinates have failed to speak you."

I turned my head. Honestly I was proud of how long I didn't speak to anyone.
I stood still, not a single bone or muscle in my body moved.

"And you seem smart enough to know to listen to me. And not to step out of line."

I clenched my fists. But quickly calmed myself, he was right. Unfortunately, I knew if I dared to step out of line it would not end well for me.


"You know what? I'm in a good mood today so I'll tell you what's going to happen to you."

I glared daggers at him. Maybe if I just kept my mouth shut..if I didn't get  angry so easily I wouldn't have been here right now.

*Nightmare sensed the insecurities of your past choices*

"Oh don't be so down on yourself. After all, Aliza is taking care of you. Is she not?"

I stepped back a little.
I wanna run.
I wanna get out here.
I've never wanted to go home more in my life.

I felt a hand on my head. It was warm.

It was like my mother's...
When I was little she used to lay her hand on my head. Telling me "everything will be okay. I won't  leave you.."

Ha..if only my mother wasn't a liar.
I would wake up everyday, living it like it was my last day on Earth.

I missed what my parents used to be....
Mostly my mother, she was more sentimental than my dad. All he cared about was his work...nothing else...I could be dead he wouldn't notice me gone...

I snapped back into reality, tear falling down my cheeks. Shit, I didn't mean for this to happen. I need to stop  crying..

I wiped my tears away and looked back at him. 
He had his nose pitched inbetween  his finger,sighing.

"If your ready to cooperate. Killer will start training you. I can't have my subordinates wasting their time saving you."

Ok, ouch.

I was far from a skilled fighter. But I did know the basic hand-to-hand combat. Maybe it might be fun to evolve those skills?

I heard footsteps, and turned around.
It was killer.

Greatttttt my favorite skeleton here.
Can't  wait.

I'm going to get fucking murdered,
aren't  I?

"Hey buddy, don't you look happy to see me!"

I avoided eye contact with him. My heart started to flicker. I geuss he's attacking. I  breathed in. Recalling what I knew about his stats.

And time seemed to freeze.


"Hey Y/n! Look at this one! Look how cool he looks!"

I looked over at the screen.

"𝙺𝚒𝚕𝚕𝚎𝚛 𝚂𝚊𝚗𝚜"

𝙻𝚅: ???
𝙷𝙿: 250
𝙰𝚝𝚔: 99999

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