Training and Injury

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Y/n Pov.

He seemed to be stunned at my action.

But he put his hand on my back, patting it gently and with his other hand he put it on my arm. Which was snaked around him.

"Heya...uh kid. I'd Hate to interrupt  our huging here....But I hope ya don't think trainings canceled."

With a swift motion he pulled out his blade and I jumped away. So was this a surprise attack? Was it just a way to catch me off guard?
Whatever the reason I'm now I battle.

In the kitchen.
Best place to have a fight, clearly.

I grabbed the Bowie knife off the table and readied myself. Now keep in mind I have never used a knife before. To fight I mean. I was just using what I had seen killer and Dust do.  I have never spoken with Dust but from what I gathered he was more reserved than the other members. But a skilled fighter...


I fiddled my fingers as killer and Dust's blades clashed. Jeez why was I even here watching them. If I'm not learning anything they I should be studying magic.

"You know, maybe if you watched you could learn more about your opponent. And examine how they wield their blades."

I looked up at the voice who was Nightmare. When did he get here?

Maybe he's right though. Maybe I should watch and learn..just for a  bit.........


*Flashback end*

I dodged killer's attacks over a over before I gained enough courage to try  strike him.

I slashed the knife toward him as he was attempting to dodge.
The blades edge was laced with a red liquid.


I stared at killer's  cheek which had a cut around his eye socket.
I felt bad,really bad. At this point in time killer had become a friend to me And I had hurt him?

I expected him to be mad. But instead he just smiled at me. Almost...proud of what I had did.
Like an older brother, seeing his younger sibling graduating.

He wiped the blood off his cheek as I  stuttered an apology.

"I-i'm so sorry Killer. I-i got carried away and-"

He cut me off mid sentence with his hand up telling me to stop.

"Not bad, kid"

Although he  had complimented me on my dodging before, this felt..different?
It felt genuine.

He pat your head roughly, in a teasing way.

"Good job you get a sticker~"

Bastard, he was teasing you. wasn't he?
I growled at his teasing before snapping back.


He chuckled at my response.and then flicking my forehead. 

"Alright, enough shitting around. We have trainin to do."

I sighed, and tried to get the toast out of the toaster again.

I felt a boney hand on my bandage. And looked down. It was a .... sticker..

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